雅思写作题目思路分析之contact between countries.

2017-08-07 作者: 167阅读


雅思大作文写作结构分析之private secondary schools

雅思大作文写作范文结构之dealing with criminals



  Some people believe that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries has positive fects while others think it will cause countries to lose their identities. Do you agree or disagree? (2005.10.29)

  increasing business and cultural contact = globalisation

  (1) has positive fects → advantages of globalisation

  → jobs offered

  → competition

  → increase in wealth

  → economic growth

  → cultural and racial tolerance through spread of culture

  → transfer of technology

  Competition - Globalization creates a perfect capitalist economy condition where competition between companies are encourage through been supplied with relevant inventions and resources which prompts healthy competition leading to increase in product and services from companies and customers – the center of interest.

  Education - Through globalization education is made easier, because the resources required for easy transfer of information is available, example is the internet facilities as an information super highway makes learning very easy, people can now access any type of information from home.

  Jobs/employment – With the elimination of geographical limitation companies can now expand their scope to other countries especially the developing ones to establish their organization thus generating employments, creating wealth through investments and so on.

  (2) many countries lose their identitties → disadvantages of globalisation, typically on culture identity

  a. restaurants serving traditional foods from some other countries are replaced by some fast-food chains, e.g. McDonald&aposs and KFC.

  b. beautiful traditional clothing is lost between those costumes designed by top brands from all over the world.

  c. preserving the identity is a challenging task while we cannot make it lost. (identity, the uniqueness, makes us special and allows us to stand out from the crowd.)

  以上就是对这个文化方面的雅思写作题目思路进行的分析,对这个典型的agree or disagree类型的写作题目的两个方面都列举了一些论点和论据,大家可以在自己的雅思写作备考当中参考上面的这篇雅思写作题目思路进行练习。


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