
2017-03-28 作者: 198阅读

以下是一些前辈的PS中总结的,里面的人名地名等都已去掉,以示尊重原作者的各种权 [b]利。建议不要使用东方的那本PS,那是Public Statement, 而不是Personal Statement [b].大家最容易联想到的就是自己的各项荣誉和奖励了,比如以下一段: [b]This special vigorous feeling can be traced back to my high school days. [b]Bored with the unchallenging contents taught in class, I was by chance [b]introduced to Subject Olympiad, the competition of intelligence. Though it [b]seemed rather like a dream for a one-year high school student, this goal [b]constantly urged me to contest with the most outstanding ones around. [b]Through a chain of screening tests, I finally became one of the five-member [b]team to attend the 28th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) on behalf of [b]China. On the airplane, our director said, "IPhO is a kind of experience, [b]not a career. But this particular experience may explore one's potential to [b]complete any career in the future." Impressed and inspired by the spirit, I [b]earned a gold medal in Sudbury, Canada, ranking first among my teammates. [b]Several days later when I stood in front of the Niagara Falls, I [b]experienced the peaculness of seeing one dream come true. It was then [b]that I decided to dedicate my life to scientific research. [b] 能拿奥赛金牌之类的毕竟是少数,还有一些经历对于我们的学业和研究也是颇有价值 [b]的,值得一提,比如: [b]When Professor D initially enrolled me into this project, I thought it was [b]no more than an easy [b]programming task. Later these original research works intrigued me more and [b]more. Often I thought over the program and electronic curcuits in the [b]laboratory from day till night; then trekked back to my dormitory on the [b]other side of the campus still with them in my mind. The raptures I felt [b]for each progress, the beginning paragraph as an example, are [b]unforgettable. This can be regarded as my first step in a formal research [b]career of science. Contented with my fruitful performance and programming [b]skill, Professor D led me to……. [b]这种the first step in formal research career使的你对专业的兴趣跃然纸上,给人 [b]印象颇深。 [b]不少朋友是毕业后暂时呆一年再出去的,这时候该如何解释自己这一年在干什么呢?下 [b]面是一例: [b]During my senior year at XXX University, I made a decision that has [b]impacted the entire course of my education. While my classmates were [b]making dinite decisions about their career paths, I chose to implement a [b]five-year plan of development and growth for myself. I designed this plan [b]in order to examine various careers that I thought might interest me, as [b]well as to expand upon my abilities at the time. I saw an opportunity to [b]both work and learn through employment at …… [b] 多么自然而有力的解释! [b]成绩好的同学自然可以列出自己的成绩和排名,虽然说有的学校据说不是很看重,不过 [b]对于多数教授来说,这些硬成绩应该还是非常有吸引力的: [b]My overall GPA consistently ranked 1st in my class of 60 students. My major [b]GPA was 94/100, also ranking 1st in my class. Each year I won the 1st class [b]scholarship in Peking University. [b]没错,名校GPA对于本科生是最重要的。如果GPA不突出,也应该写些academic方面的, [b]不要避而不提: [b]In preparation for this work, my undergraduate degree in environmental [b]studies has provided me with a solid foundation in both the sciences and [b]state environmental policy. My undergraduate emphasis in hazardous [b]materials has given me a broad knowledge of the types of chemical releases [b]common in both developed and undeveloped countries and their chemical and [b]physical fects upon the environment. [b] [b]有时候可以写写自己参加的课外活动,显示自己多方面的能力: [b]Except doing the experiments in the lab, I want to mention that I was one [b]of the founders of the XXX Club in YYY University. The purpose of it is to [b]spread knowledge and exchange ideas of the rapidly developing medical world [b]on the Internet. During the past two years, we successfully fulfilled our [b]goal by means of downloading the latest scientific thesis and organizing [b]discussions online. The club attracts many of our classmates and teachers. [b] [b]Meteo前辈的那片文章里写到了自己从两本书中的收获,以下是节选: [b]The second and third book gave me a basic but systematic map of plasma [b]physics. The first one, which I like the most among the three books, gave [b]me the ability to link knowledge of contemporary mathematics with physics. [b]I learned that physics hides the relations behind the letters and equations [b]and mathematics helps me to separate and classify relations by different [b]kinds of mathematics structure. Its an extremely charming experience for [b]me to keep another eye on a routine relation or put the question in a [b]broader field. For a short instance, 。。。。。。 That is just an idea many [b]of which piled up in my mind during my life at PKU-physical eye on Laplace [b]transform, geometrical eye on determinant, and so on. [b]立即咨询


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