
2017-08-06 作者: 259阅读



  1. 独立主格结构

  In the 100-yard relay our team impressed the crowd, with each of the members shaving several seconds off her own best time. OG2-6-8

  (A). of the members shaving

  (B). of the members had shaved

  (C). of the members was shaving

  (D). who had been shaving

  (E). who shaved

  此题考查SAT语法的一大难点:独立主格结构。SVO,SVO的正确改法可以从三个角度考虑,一是改变标点符号,二是添加连词,三是变其中一个动词为非谓语动词形式。通常把第二个动词改成doing/done/to do的形式,即常见的SVO,N doing/done/to do的结构,N一般与前半句的主语有关系。有时候会在N前面加with,即SVO,with + N + doing的结构,此题中的with起到了表因果的作用。

  SVO,N doing的典型题:09.5-6-24,09-5-10-10,10-5-10-5

  SVO, with + N + doing的典型题:08-1-10-11,12-5-10-6,12-5-10-4(亚洲)

  2. 连词

  1) Since some (A) people are convinced (B) that dowsing, a method of finding underground water with a Y-shaped stick, is fective, but others condemn the procedure as (C) mere superstition (D). No error (E) OG4-7-24

  2) Though best known (A) as a jazz vocalist, he also enjoyed (B) gospel music, whereby (C) he told his manager that he wanted to make a recording of (D) his favorite gospel songs. No error (E) OG7-4-18


  第一题的结构为Since SVO,but SVO,多连词,删去since。此种错误常出现在IS句子结构考点的选项中。


  3. 平行结构

  1) Acquaintances of Alexei have commented that he is at once annoying because of his unpredictability but his imagination is still a delight. OG1-10-14

  (A). but his imagination is still a delight

  (B). although he is delightfully imaginative

  (C). and he is delightful in his imagination too

  (D). while being imaginative and they are delighted

  (E). and delightful because of his imagination

  “平行重形式”,此题考查平行结构的形式一致。and连接annoying because of与delightful because of并列,形式完全一致,内容清晰。


  2) The famous battle depicted in the film Braveheart took place in Northern England, and many people assume that it was the Scottish Highlands. OG1-6-11

  (A). and many people assume that it was

  (B). many people assuming

  (C). but many people assume it to be

  (D). not what many people assume

  (E). not, as many people assume, in

  此题考的是NOT连接的平行结构,not在句中连接in Northern England与in the Scottish Highlands并列,结构简洁。


  3) The Great Gatsby is now considered a classic novel set in America’s Jazz Age, but in 1925 its reviews would be mixed and its sales would have been disappointing.

  (A). its reviews would be mixed and its sales would have been disappointing

  (B). its reviews are mixed and its sales would be disappointing

  (C). its reviews were mixed and its sales disappointing

  (D). it had mixed reviews and its disappointing sales

  (E). reviews were mixed and also disappointing sales

  此题考SVO,and SVO结构中,两句话的形式非常对称,删除第二个句子中的V。



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