
2017-08-06 作者: 258阅读



  4. 比较结构

  1) Built from 1609 to 1617 to rival (A) the Hagia Sophia, Istanbul’s Sultanahmet Mosque was celebrated (B) not so much for its architecture but because of (C) the exquisite blue tiles that adorned its (D) interior. No error (E) 09-1-6-27

  此题考查not so…as…引导的比较结构,注意not so后的结构与as后的结构要有可比性,形式一致。C选项改成as for。


  2) Few issues of public policy are (A) as likely (B) to provoke widespread interest as that (C) involving possible danger to (D) the health or safety of children. No error (E) OG6-6-15

  此题考查比较结构中的that、those用法,当比较双方没有可比性时,常用到that或those来改正。that指代之前出现过的单数名词,those指代复数名词。在此题中,比较的是issues of public policy与issues involving danger to,所以C选项的that改成those。


  3) The eerie songs of humpback whales, often lower in pitch and longer than birds, are intriguing to scientists partly because whales have no functional vocal cords. OG9-10-14

  (A). The eerie songs of humpback whales, often lower in pitch and longer than birds,

  (B). The eerie songs of humpback whales, which are often lower in pitch and last longer than birds,

  (C). Humpback whales’ eerie songs, often pitched lower and longer than that of birds,

  (D). The eerie songs of humpback whales, often lower in pitch and lasting longer than those of birds,

  (E). Often being lower in pitch and lasting longer than birds, the eerie songs of humpback whales

  此题考查比较结构可比性问题。比较结构标志词than后面是birds,前面是songs of whales,无可比性,借用those 指代songs,选D。



  5. 句子结构

  1) When we were cleaning the garage, my sister and I found the old soccer ball in a dark corner we used to play with when we were young.09-1-10-10

  (A). the old soccer ball in a dark corner we used to play with when we were young

  (B). in a dark corner from when we were young the old soccer ball we played with

  (C). in a dark corner the old soccer ball we used to play with when we were young

  (D). the old soccer ball in a dark corner, we used to play with it when we were young

  (E). the old soccer ball, having played with it when we were young, in a dark corner

  此题考查修饰语位置,修饰语的位置一直以来都是SAT的常考点,每年都会涉及。注意修饰语一定要就近修饰,尤其是名词修饰语;动词修饰语的位置相对灵活。此题的we used to play with就近修饰soccer ball。


  2) At the conclusion of the novel The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner recently arrived to (A) New York, moodily (B) watches (C) the blinking green light at the tip of (D) Long Island. No error (E) OG2-6-23

  此题考查S, ,VO结构,两逗号间是同位语,不能出现完整句子,arrived错误。做题时,一定要找准S、V,要确定修饰语及修饰对象,切记完整句不可作为插入语。


  A cure for some kinds of cancer, scientists believe, may be found within the next decade.

  (A). scientists believe, may be

  (B). scientists believe they may be

  (C). being maybe, in the beli of some scientists,

  (D). there are some scientists who believe it may be

  (E). which, some scientists believe, may be

  此题很多同学选错,一部分同学错选E,没有发现E选项代入,主句无动词;此题选A,scientists believe是插入语,可以抹去不看,a cure may be found…句子结构完整。

  Many places in the Arctic region yield evidence of late Precambrian glaciation, which took place about 650 million years ago and which it is the beli of some scientists was global in extent.

  (A). it is the beli of some scientists

  (B). it is the beli of some scientists it

  (C). some scientists have the beli that

  (D). some scientists believe

  (E). some scientists believe it

  此题选D,some scientists believe作插入语。



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