
2017-08-06 作者: 281阅读


  1.Solve for x in the following equation: x2 – 10x + 10 = 0.

  (a) -5 +/- sqrt(15)

  (b) 5 +/- sqrt(15)

  (c) 5

  (d) -5

  (d) 5 +/- sqrt(5)

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  2. If log(x) = 2 and log(y) = 5, what is log(x2y3)?

  (a) 11

  (b) 15

  (c) 17

  (d) 19

  (e) 29

  3.What is the greatest common factor of 17 and 81?

  (a) 1

  (b) 17

  (c) 3

  (d) 9

  (e) 27

  4. In the (x,y) plane, which of the following statements are true?

  I. Line y + x = 5 is perpendicular to line y - x = 5. II. Lines y + x = 5 and y - x = 5 intersect each other on the y axis. III. Lines y + x = 5 and y - x = 5 intersect each other on the x axis.

  (a) I is the only true statement

  (b) II is the only true statement

  (c) I and II are both true

  (d) I and III are both true

  (e) II and III are both true

  5.Find the domain of the function f(x) = √( -x) / [(x - 2)(x + 2)]:

  (a) (-∞ , -2) U ( -2 , 0)

  (b) (-∞ , -2) U ( -2 , 0]

  (c) (-∞ , 2) U ( 2 , 0]

  (d) (-∞ , 2) U ( 2 , 0)

  (e) (-∞ , -2) U ( -2 , 2)


  1. x = (10 +/- sqrt(100 - 40))/2 x = 5 +/- sqrt(15)

  2. log(x2y3) = log(x2) + log(y3) = 2log(x) + 3log(y) = 4 + 15 = 19

  3. 17 = 17·1 81 = 3·3·3·3·1 The correct answer is (a).

  4.y + x = 5 can be written as y = -x + 5. The slope of this equation is m1 = -1. y - x = 5 can be written as y = x + 5. The slope of this equation is m2 = 1. m2 = -1/m1 so the 2 lines are perpendicular. We also need to find where the 2 lines intersect. If we add the 2 equations, 2·y = 10, y = 5 From the first equation, x = 5 - y = 5 - 5 = 0. In conclusion the lines intersect at (0, 5) and this point is on the y axis. In conclusion I and II statements are correct.

  5. From the numerator of the fraction, -x should be positive or equal to zero, so x<=0. x cannot take the values x = 2 and x = -2, so the domain of the function is (-∞ , -2) U ( -2 , 0]






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