
2017-08-06 作者: 282阅读


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  1. Given the hypothetical reaction 2A + B = C +3D, the equilibrium constant for this reaction is

  I. directly proportional to the concentration of D cubed

  II. inversely proportional to the concentration of A

  III. inversely proportional to the concentration of C

  (A) I, II, and III

  (B) I and II only

  (C) II and III only

  (D) I only

  (E) III only

  2. A cation with +2 charge of atomic number 56 and atomic mass 137 contains

  I.54 protons

  II.81 neutrons

  III. 54 electrons

  (A) I, II, and III

  (B) I and II only

  (C) II and III only

  (D) I only

  (E) III only

  3. The ionization energy of Argon (Ar) is greater than

  I.Chlorine (Cl)

  II.Phosphorous (P)

  III. Neon (Ne)

  (A) I, II, and III

  (B) I and II only

  (C) II and III only

  (D) I only

  (E) III only

  4. Selenium (Se) may be distinguished from Bromine (Br) by

  I.determining the boiling point of each element

  II.determining which element reacts with

  H under the appropriate conditions

  III. determining which element reacts with oxygen under the appropriate conditions

  (A) I, II, and III

  (B) I and II only

  (C) II and III only

  (D) I only

  (E) III only

  5. A flask contains oxygen, nitrogen, and helium.There are 5 moles of nitrogen, 4 moles of helium, and 1 mole of oxygen. If the total pressure in the flask is 10,000 torr, then

  I.the partial pressure of helium is 5000 torr

  II.the partial pressure of nitrogen is 5000 torr

  III. the partial pressure of oxygen is 1000 torr

  (A) I, II, and III

  (B) I and II only

  (C) II and III only

  (D) I only

  (E) III only


  1. The correct answer is (D).

  Utilizing the dinition of an equilibrium constant, one can write: Keq = [C] · [D]3/[A]2 · [B]

  2. The correct answer is (C).

  Atomic number equals the number of protons. Atomic mass equals the number of protons plus neutrons. Atomic number less the charge equals the number of electrons.

  3. The correct answer is (B).

  n general, ionization energy increases from lt to right in the periodictable, and it decreases within a group from top to bottom.

  4. The correct answer is (D).

  Selenium is a solid at room temperature with a boiling point of 960°K while bromine is a liquid at room temperature with a boiling point of 331°K. Both selenium and bromine react with hydrogen and oxygen to form compounds such as HBr, H2Se, H2SeO3, and BrO2.

  5. The correct answer is (C).

  The partial pressure of a liquid is equal to the mole fraction of the liquid multiplied by the total pressure. The mole fraction of nitrogen is .5, oxygen is .1, and helium is .4.









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