
2017-08-06 作者: 270阅读


  1.For how many positive two-digit integers is the ones digit greater than twice the tens digit?






  2.If and , then exceeds by

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  A 1/4

  B 1/8

  C 1/16

  D 1/32

  E 1/64

  3.The price ofpounds of apples isdollars. If the apples weigh an average ofpound for everyapples, which of the following is the average price, in cents, of a dozen such apples?






  On the last day of a one-week sale, customers numbered 149 through 201 were waited on. How many customers were waited on that day?

  Answer Choices

  (A) 51

  (B) 52

  (C) 53

  (D) 152

  (E) 153

  5.Which of the following could be the equation of the function graphed in the above?






  6.What is the equation of the line parallel to the x-axis and four units above the x-axis?

  (A) x = negative 4

  (B) x = 4

  (C) y = negative 4

  (D) y = 0

  (E) y = 4


  1.The correct answer is A

  The correct answer is (A). If the tens digit is, there arepositive two-digit integers with the ones digit greater than twice the tens digit:and. If the tens digit is, there arepositive two-digit integers with the ones digit greater than twice the tens digit:and. If the tens digit is, there arepositive two-digit integers with the ones digit greater than twice the tens digit:and. If the tens digit is, there ispositive two-digit integer with the ones digit greater than twice the tens digit:. If the tens digit is equal to or greater than, then the ones digits, which cannot be greater than, is not greater than twice the tens digit. Therore, there is a total ofpositive two-digit integers for which the ones digit is greater than twice the tens digit.

  2.The correct answer is E

  “exceeds ” is interpreted mathematically as the value of and is evaluated as follows:


  3.The correct answer is A

  4.Ifapples weighpound, then a dozen () apples weighpounds. The price of a dozen apples is the price ofpounds of apples. The price ofpounds of apples isdollars, orcents, so the price ofpounds of apples isofcents, orcents.

  4.The correct answer is C

  The number of customers who were waited on that day is (201 minus 149) + 1 = 53, as the total number of customers is those customers numbered 149 to 201 inclusive.

  5.The correct answer is D

  The function with equation and the function with equation each have a minimum value of when , but the function graphed does not have a minimum value of , so these options cannot be correct. The graph of the function with equation contains the point , but the function graphed does not contain any points with negative , so this option cannot be correct. The graph of the function with equation is not symmetric with respect to the , so it cannot be the equation of the function graphed. Therore, the only equation that could correspond to the function graphed is . Its graph is the absolute value of a parabola opening upward with vertex at .

  6.The correct answer is E

  A line that is parallel to the x-axis and four units above the x-axis is the vertical translation of the x-axis four units upward. Since the x-axis is a horizontal line and has equation y = 0, it follows that the line parallel to the x-axis and four units above the x-axis has equation y = 4.









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