
2017-08-05 作者: 277阅读


  141. Protect from=shield from (the same as protect from)

  142. Lazy=slothful (lazy and unwilling to make an fort to work), indolent (lazy, FORMAL)

  143. Limited=finite (something that is finite has a dinite fixed size or amount)

  144. Disadvantage=dect (a fault or imperfection in a person or thing)

  145. useless/in vain=futile (ATTENTION: if you say something is futile, you mean there is no point of doing, usually it has no chance of succeeding)

  146. Undeniable=there is no gainsaying n.否认(FORMAL)

  147. Potential=latent (used to describe something hidden or not obvious at the moment, but which can develop further in the future)

  148. Harmful=banul a.有害的,使人苦恼的

  149. Daring=audacious (someone who is audacious takes risk to achieve something)

  150. Talent=aptitude (someone&aposs aptitude for a particular kind of work or activity is his/her ability to learn it quickly and to do it well)

  151. Waste=dissipate (dissipate means waste money, time or fort in a foolish way)

  152. Obstacle n.障碍=stumbling block n.绊脚石

  153. Many=a multitude of, a myriads of

  154. Good=superb (if something is superb, its quality is very good indeed)

  155. random= haphazard n.偶然 adj.偶然的 adv.偶然地

  156. Behave=conduct (if you conduct yourself in a particular way, you behave in that way)

  157. kind of=sort of 有几分的

  158. Loyalty=fidelity (fidelity is loyalty to a person, or organization, or set of belis)

  159. Embarrassing=awkward (an awkward situation is embarrassing and difficult to deal with)

  160. Building=edifice (ATTENTION: an edifice is a large and impressive building)



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