
2017-08-05 作者: 237阅读



  Plato (428?-347 bc), Greek philosopher, one of the most creative and influential thinkers in Western philosophy. He was born to an aristocratic family in Athens. His father, Ariston, was believed to have descended from the early kings of Athens. Perictione, his mother, was distantly related to the 6th-century bc lawmaker Solon. When Plato was a child, his father died, and his mother married Pyrilampes, who was an associate of the statesman Pericles.

  As a young man Plato had political ambitions, but he became disillusioned by the political leadership in Athens. He eventually became a disciple of Socrates, accepting his basic philosophy and dialectical style of debate: the pursuit of truth through questions, answers, and additional questions. Plato witnessed the death of Socrates at the hands of the Athenian democracy in 399 bc.

  Perhaps fearing for his own safety, he lt Athens temporarily and traveled to Italy, Sicily, and Egypt.

  In 387 Plato founded the Academy in Athens, the institution often described as the first European university. It provided a comprehensive curriculum, including such subjects as astronomy, biology, mathematics, political theory, and philosophy. Aristotle was the Academy’s most prominent student.

  Plato’s theory of Forms and his theory of knowledge are so interrelated that they must be discussed together. Influenced by Socrates, Plato was convinced that knowledge is attainable. He was also convinced of two essential characteristics of knowledge.

  First, knowledge must be certain and infallible.

  Second, knowledge must have as its object that which is genuinely real as contrasted with that which is an appearance only.

  Because that which is fully real must, for Plato, be fixed, permanent, and unchanging, he identified the real with the ideal realm of being as opposed to the physical world of becoming.

  One consequence of this view was Plato’s rejection of empiricism, the claim that knowledge is derived from sense experience.

  He thought that propositions derived from sense experience have, at most, a degree of probability.

  They are not certain. Furthermore, the objects of sense experience are changeable phenomena of the physical world. Hence, objects of sense experience are not proper objects of knowledge.

  Key words: Greek philosopher great tutor


  柏拉图(P1ato,公元前427—前347 年)出身于雅典一个名门贵族家庭,自幼受到良好的教育,20 岁时师从苏格拉底研究哲学,苏格拉底死后,柏拉图曾离开雅典在外游历,12 年后回到雅典,创立了阿加德米学园,在那里讲学直到逝世为止。“柏拉图是古典时代著作丰富而作品似乎完整齐全留传下来的唯一作家。”在他留给后人的36 篇对话录中,《理想国》和《法律篇》较集中地反映了他的教育学说,围绕培养“哲学王”的教育问题,他构思了一个庞大的教育体系。柏拉图在物质世界以外寻求事物的本原,建立了以理念论为核心的客观唯心主义哲学体系。理念论的基本内容是将理性世界和感觉世界对立起来,认为感性的具体事物不是真实的存在,在感觉世界之外还有一个永恒不变的、独立的、真实存在的理念世界。





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