
2017-08-05 作者: 270阅读



  Qinghai-Tibet railway

  The Qinghai–Xizang railway, Qingzang railway, or Qinghai–Tibet railway, is a high-elevation railway that connects Xining, Qinghai Province, to Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, in People&aposs Republic of China.

  The total length of Qingzang railway is 1956 km (1215 mi). Construction of the 815 km (506 mi) section between Xining and Golmud was completed by 1984. The 1142 km (709 mi) section between Golmud and Lhasa was inaugurated on 1 July 2006 by president Hu Jintao: the first two passenger trains were "Qing 1" (Q1) from Golmud to Lhasa, and "Zang 2" (J2) from Lhasa.This railway is the first to connect the Tibet Autonomous Region to any other province, which, due to its elevation and terrain, is the last province-level entity in mainland China to have a conventional railway. Testing of the line and equipment started on 1 May 2006. Passenger trains run from Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Xining and Lanzhou.

  The line includes the Tanggula Pass, which, at 5,072 m (16,640 feet) above sea level, is the world&aposs highest rail track. The 1,338 m Fenghuoshan tunnel is the highest rail tunnel in the world at 4,905 m above sea level. The 4,010-m Guanjiao tunnel is the longest tunnel from Xining to Golmod and the 3,345-m Yangbajing tunnel is the longest tunnel from Golmod to Lhasa. More than 960 km, or over 80% of the Golmud-Lhasa section, is at an elevation of more than 4,000 m. There are 675 bridges, totalling 159.88 km, and about 550 km of the railway is laid on permafrost.

  Economic and environmental impact

  With limited industrial capacity in Tibet, the Tibetan economy heavily relies on industrial products from more developed parts of China. Transport of goods in and out of Tibet was mostly through the Qingzang Highway connecting Tibet to the adjacent Qinghai province, which was built in the early 1950s. The length and terrain have limited the capacity of the highway, with less than 1 million tons of goods transported each year. With the construction of the Qingzang railway, the cost of transportation of both passengers and goods should be greatly reduced, allowing for an increase in volume—the cost per tonne-kilometer will be reduced from 0.38 RMB to 0.12 RMB. It is projected that by 2010, 2.8 million tons will be carried to and from Tibet, with over 75% carried by the railway.This is expected to help support the Tibetan economy.

  The environmental impact of the new railway is an ongoing concern. The increase in passenger traffic will result in greater tourism and economic activity on the Tibetan Plateau.

  Wood is the main fuel source for rural inhabitants in certain regions of Tibet. The damage to the ecosystem caused by cutting trees for fuel takes years to recover due to slow growth caused by Tibet&aposs harsh environmental conditions. The railway would make coal, which is not produced in Tibet, an affordable replacement. However, the increase in fuel combustion due to increased human activity in an already-thin atmosphere may affect the long term health of the local population.

  Bore the railway, the purchasing power of 100 RMB in Lhasa was only commensurate with 54 RMB in coastal regions of China mainly due to high transport costs, the railway could elevate the living standards along the railway.

  Trash and excrement are collected into two sealed containers in each car (not thrown on the tracks), they are taken out at the big stations.

  The fects of this railway on wild animals such as Tibetan antelope and plants are currently unknown. Thirty-three overpasses were constructed specifically to allow continued animal migration. Here is the Google Maps satellite image of one such bridge.

  There are concerns from the China Meteorological Administration that melting of permafrost caused by global warming in Tibet on which part of the railway is placed could threaten the railway during the century.

  The highest railway in the world ,due to begin test runs in July 2006,crosses the famously bleak Tanggula Pass in western China to connect the Tibetan capital of Lhasa with Golmud in Qinghai.

  The highest point of Qinghai-Tibet railway tops 5000m the highest railway. the government says the railway will bring prosperity to isolated Tibetans. Tibetans say it will serve merely as a means of carting off the region&apos s mineral riches and ,perhaps more worryingly, of bringing in soldiers.

  Environmentalists, meanwhile, fret about the railway&aposs impact on the fragile ecosystem of the Tibetan plateau. This is the source of China&aposs five major river systems and home to several rare species including the Tibetan antelope.

  To avoid disturbing the local animal habitation, 25 special routeways are built for wildlife move in the nature reserves including Keke Xili and Three Rivers Nature Reserve which Qinghai-Tibet Railway run through, especially for the Tibetan antelopes. These routeways show diversity according to the habits of Tibetan antelopes. Holes under the railway are for child antelopes passing by. Even bridges covered with greensward are put up the railway, just like man-made hillsides for Tibetan antelopes’ migration.


  青藏铁路于2001 年6 月29 日开工,于2006 年7 月1 日正式通车运营。


  青藏高原素有“世界屋脊”、“地球第三极”之称,是我国的“江河源”。在青藏高原这种原始、独特、脆弱、敏感的地理生态环境中修建的青藏铁路是世界上海拔最高、线路最长的高原铁路,翻越唐古拉山的铁路最高点海拔5072 米,经过海拔4000 米以上地段960 公里,连续多年冻土区550 公里以上。在青藏铁路建设和施工中有效地保护生态环境,是青藏铁路建设的重要任务,也是国内外关注的焦点。党中央、国务院对青藏铁路建设的生态环境保护问题极为重视。朱镕基同志要求一定要认真贯彻国务院有关加强保护青藏高原生态环境的精神,十分爱护青海、西藏的生态环境,十分爱护青海、西藏的一草一木,精心保护我们祖国的每一寸绿地。为搞好青藏铁路建设的生态环境保护工作指明了方向。


  青藏铁路全线贯通,必将对改变青藏高原贫困落后面貌,增进各民族团结进步和共同繁荣,促进青海与西藏经济社会又快又好发展产生广泛而深远的影响。有利于促进西藏工业、旅游业等产业的发展,优化西藏的产业结构,实现我国地区经济的平衡、协调发展;有利于西藏矿产资源的开发,发挥资源优势;有利于降低进出西藏货物的运输成本,提高经济效益;有利于西藏的对外开放,加强与其他地区及国外的经济交流与合作;有利于西藏市场机制的发育和人们市场意识的增强,促进经济的发展;有利于西藏人民生活水平的提高和全国人民的共同富裕。有利于促进我国各民族的共同繁荣,进一步巩固平等团结互助的新型民族关系;有利于我国边疆的稳定和国防的加强;有利于少数民族人民当家作主地位的体现和国家政权的巩固。 所以修建铁路首要的目的就是要为西藏的经济社会发展提供一个强大的运力支持,同时这一条铁路建设也可以使我们进一步增加内地和西藏紧密的联系和交流,增强民族团结,保卫国土安全。









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