
2017-08-05 作者: 211阅读




  James Watt, the son of a merchant, was born in Greenock, Scotland, in 1736. At the age of nineteen Watt was sent to Glasgow to learn the trade of a mathematical-instrument maker.

  After spending a year in London, Watt returned to Glasgow in 1757 where he established his own instrument-making business. Watt soon developed a reputation as a high quality engineer and was employed on the Forth & Clyde Canal and the Caledonian Canal. He was also engaged in the improvement of harbours and in the deepening of the Forth, Clyde and other rivers in Scotland.

  In 1763 Watt was sent a Newcomen steam engine to repair. While putting it back into working order, Watt discovered how he could make the engine more ficient. Watt worked on the idea for several months and eventually produced a steam engine that cooled the used steam in a condenser separate from the main cylinder. James Watt was not a wealthy man so he decided to seek a partner with money. John Roebuck, the owner of a Scottish ironworks, agreed to provide financial backing for Watt&aposs project.

  When Roebuck went bankrupt in 1773, Watt took his ideas to Matthew Boulton, a successful businessman from Birmingham. For the next eleven years Boulton&aposs factory producing and selling Watt&aposs steam-engines. These machines were mainly sold to colliery owners who used them to pump water from their mines. Watt&aposs machine was very popular because it was four times more powerful than those that had been based on the Thomas Newcomen design.

  Watt continued to experiment and in 1781 he produced a rotary-motion steam engine.

  Whereas his earlier machine, with its up-and-down pumping action, was ideal for draining mines, this new steam engine could be used to drive many different types of machinery. Richard Arkwright was quick to importance of this new invention, and in 1783 he began using Watt&aposs steam-engine in his textile factories. Others followed his lead and by 1800 there were over 500 of Watt&aposs machines in Britain&aposs mines and factories.

  In 1755 Watt had been granted a patent by Parliament that prevented anybody else from making a steam-engine like the one he had developed. For the next twenty-five years, the Boulton & Watt company had a virtual monopoly over the production of steam-engines.

  Watt charged his customers a premium for using his steam engines. To justify this he compared his machine to a horse. Watt calculated that a horse exerted a pull of 180 lb., therore, when he made a machine, he described its power in relation to a horse, i.e. "a 20 horse-power engine". Watt worked out how much each company saved by using his machine rather than a team of horses. The company then had to pay him one third of this figure every year, for the next twenty-five years. When James Watt died in 1819 he was a very wealthy man.

  詹姆斯·瓦特(James Watt,1736年1月19日 — 1819年8月19日)是英国著名的发明家,是工业革命时的重要人物。1776年制造出第一台有实用价值的蒸汽机。以后又经过一系列重大改进,使之成为“万能的原动机”,在工业上得到广泛应用。他开辟了人类利用能源新时代,标志着工业革命的开始。后人为了纪念这位伟大的发明家,把功率的单位定为“瓦特”。







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