
2017-08-05 作者: 318阅读


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  ** the arguer assumes that just because one event follows another, the second event has been caused by the first. /

  however, no evidence is provided to support that this is the case. /

  the mere fact that a occurs bore b does not necessarily establish a causal relationship between a and b. /

  it is highly possible that other factors might also bring about these same results. /

  for instance,… in addition,… /

  without ruling out these and other possible factors that give rise to b, the author cannot confidently conclude that…

  ** the recommendation depends on the assumption that no alternative means of doing sth are available. /

  however, the arguer fails to offer any evidence to substantiate this crucial assumption. it is highly possible that means other than this would better solve the problem. /

  without considering and ruling out these and other alternative means of doing sth, the author cannot confidently conclude that…

  ** the arguer assumes the characteristics of a group apply to every member of that group. /

  the conclusion that… is based on the assumption that … /

  however, there is no guarantee that this is the case, nor does the author provide any evidence to substantiate this assumption. it is very likely that… / l

  acking such evidence the author cannot draw any firm conclusion.



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