SAT作文素材:The Critical Period.

2017-08-05 作者: 242阅读

  大家在平时训练的过程中,可以参照一些SAT作文素材,下面就是为大家准备的SAT作文素材:The Critical Period。



  Thesis:Every fresh crisis we encounter is an opportunity in disguise.

  Subject:The Critical Period!

  The Critical Period was a decade during which the United States underwent a hardship under the Article of Confederation.The Articles had weakness that hampered ficient operation of the gorvernment:with no provision for an executive branch,it lacked the ability to enforce laws that Congress passed,the Congress had no power to collect taxes,raise a military,coin money,or regulate interstate commerce.The desperate condition of people was made plain by the Shay’s rebellion and several meetings held by some states to modify the tariff walls that had been erected by each of the 13 states against imports from any orther states.The new nation was staggering. The Founding Fathers,who hoped to make America one place in world where freedom and love of humankind could flourish,soon realized the powerless central government under the confederation forms of country was undesirable and impratical.It turned out to the Philadephia Convention of 1787,which produced one of “the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man ”---The Constituition of United States.It established a federal forms of government that has a seperation of power among legislature,judicious and executive branch and a division of power between states and central government.Further more,it sets a great precedent for future generations seeking liberty and freedpm as Amerca did. Example also serves : Dissatisfaction motivates people to change

  以上就是SAT作文素材——The Critical Period的详细内容,考生可针对文中介绍的内容进行有针对性的备考。参考给分原因,找到自己的不足,强化练习。


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