
2017-08-05 作者: 183阅读


  Andrew Mason

  Andrew Mason is the founder and CEO of Groupon, a Chicago-based website offering users deep discounts on local businesses. He graduated from Northwestern University in 2003 with a degree in music.

  Life and career

  Mason grew up in Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh and graduated from Mt. Lebanon High School in 1999. At age 15, he started a Saturday morning delivery service called Bagel Express. After graduating from Northwestern University in 2003, he worked in web design for Chicago entrepreneur Eric Lkofsky. Mason stopped working with Lkofsky to attend the University of Chicago&aposs Harris School of Public Policy on a scholarship. However, he dropped out of his Master degree program from University of Chicago only 3 months after it started. Mason also interned and worked at prominent Chicago recording studio Electrical Audio under recording engineer Steve Albini, whom Mason cited as being an inspiration on his work ethic.

  Lkofsky, several years later, provided Mason with one million dollars in "seed money" to bankroll The Point, a now largely inactive web platform, which was Mason&aposs first entrepreneurial venture on the Internet.

  The Point eventually led to the idea to develop Groupon. Groupon is a website that sells deals to local businesses. Groupon&aposs website states that since its beginning in November 2008, Groupon has sold more than six million deals. With Groupon taking 50 percent of every deal, plus a small credit-card handling fee, Groupon&aposs revenue is expected to top $350 million by the end of 2010. In late 2010 it was reported by Mashable that Groupon&aposs annual revenue was $800 million.

  Many internet sites have now sought to recreate Groupon&aposs business example for their own niches.

  On December 1, 2010, The New York Times reported that Groupon was the subject of a $6 billion dollar acquisition bid from Google, which Groupon turned down.

  安德鲁·梅森,美国团购网站Groupon创始人,出生于美国东海岸宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡市。美国西北大学音乐系毕业生。2010年5月,他创办的公司Groupon收购了位于柏林的公司City Deal GmbH,将业务拓展至欧洲的80个市场。2010年8月,Groupon又宣布,已经收购日本购物网站Qpod和俄罗斯购物网站Darberry的大部分股权。通过最新的收购,Groupon已经将业务拓展至29个国家的230个市场。比Facebook、YouTube幸运的是,作为团购2.0模式的鼻祖,美国团购网站Groupon不仅率先实现了盈利,而且其中国之旅或许将很快有成果,途径也是收购。



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