
2017-08-05 作者: 45阅读


  海洋与天空之间(between the sea and the sky)

  I don’t know why i like water so much, i like drinking water, i like the sea, i like any places with water. So i doubt whether i was a fish or not in my previous generation.

  Our school is just located on the sea side, which makes me feel comfortable. Whenever i get the free time, i’d like to go to the sea shore, sometimes with my friends while most of the time just by myself. I like sitting on the sand quietly and listening to the songs sang by the sea.

  One of my friends used to ask me whether i had ever observed what the sea looked like on a clear day. I didn’t answer him directly then. but he told me that as far as we could see, the sea and the sky joined together and formed a beautiful arc at the end of our sight. They seemed to be together in the end. while as a matter of fact, there was still a far distance between them, like poles apart. they can’t be together, never ever.

  I felt so sorry when heard this, because i knew he was giving me some hint about our relationship. I didn’t know what to say about this. i just said that: “didn’t you tend to get a bit too sentimental? it meant nothing at all but a natural phenomenon.”

  Sometimes i don’t like my way of dealing with things, especially about emotion. I always choose to run away from the eyes, the love and anything else. why i always choose to run away? Like reading a novel, we cannot change the sad ending, but we can choose not to begin.



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