
2017-08-05 作者: 33阅读


  SAT 写作最常用的文学实例

  1) Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare:

  · Themes of revenge (think of all the revenge killings, e.g. Mercutio)

  · Themes of following authority(both Romeo and Juliet dy parental authority)

  · Works for themes of love(come on, this one’s pretty self-explanatory… it can consume us, redeem us, cause us to do things we wouldn’t otherwise do)

  · Themes of friendship and loyalty (Romeo abandons his old friends to be with his lover)

  · Themes of individuals against society (Romeo and Juliet again, engaging in socially-forbidden love)

  · Themes of fate (is the lovers’ destiny already written, or could they have changed it?)

  2) The Odyssey by Homer:

  · Themes of temptation and duty(Odysseus and his men constantly indulge in minor distractions instead of continuing on their journey – e.g. eating the lotus fruit, or Odysseus strapping himself to the mast of his ship because he’s so curious about the song of the sirens)

  · Themes of faithfulness and trust (Odysseus’s wife, who is trying to wait for him to return; the men on the voyage and their loyalty to each other and their leader)

  · Themes of strength vs. cunning (the hero continually outwits his stronger enemies, such as the cyclops, and slays all of his wife’s rowdy suitors by disguising himself. Likewise, his wife Penelope delays her suitors by claiming to weave a burial shroud that she never intends to finish).

  3) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley:

  · Themes of technology (mainly used as an instrument of control; Soma and entertainment control the population, sleep conditioning controls the social system)

  · Themes of natural state vs. social conditioning (John, the outsider, lives more naturally and is able to appreciate Shakespeare’s poetry and see the flaws in the high-tech society, but the others around him are too shallow to understand what he means)

  · Themes of truth and happiness(it seems that the happiest characters, such as Lenina, are the ones most out of touch with reality, while John, who sees the truth of the world, is bitterly unhappy)

  · Themes of authority vs. the individual (John rebels against and is eventually destroyed by an all-powerful authoritarian society).

  4) Animal Farm by George Orwell:

  · Themes of class in society(despite mostly good intentions, the animals find themselves organized into higher and lower castes)

  · Themes of socialism vs. capitalism (the animals expect their Soviet-style socialism to benit them all equally, but learn very quickly that the system will be exploited by “pigs” with more power and cunning)

  · Themes of idealism vs. pragmatism (the most idealistic animals, like Snowball, are quickly taken advantage of by less-principled and more-practical animals like Napoleon who don’t truly believe in the rhetoric of the revolution)

  · The danger of not questioning leadership (Boxer, for example, never questions Napoleon’s decisions, prerring to keep his head down and assume that all is for the best)

  · Themes of power and corruption (in Orwell’s view, power inevitably corrupts those who have it)

  5) The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton:

  · Themes of honor (The Greasers, perhaps because they don’t fit in to the larger society, must create and follow their own code of ethics. For example, Dally once let himself be arrested for a crime that Two-Bit committed)

  · Themes of group identity (The Greasers identify them through their hair and clothing; the Socs set themselves with cars, rings, and nicer clothes. Each group speaks in a specific way. The clear social markers keep the groups separate)

  · Themes of similarity among different groups of people (Pony boy begins to realize that although they seem very different, the Socs and the Greasers both share adolescent trials such as sadness, loss, and love)

  · Themes of violence (despite all the gang fights and shootouts, no group ever comes out “on top” – the cycle of violence merely causes losses, pain, and suffering for both sides)

  SAT 写作最常用的历史实例

  1) The Fall of Rome (476 A.D.)

  Themes of imperialism and over-expansion (the Roman Empire was too big to govern fectively and outer territories were not well-dended)

  · Themes of decadence (the upper-class of the Roman Empire had so much wealth that they may have been complacent about the dangers to their empire; the oppressed lower classes may have wanted the Empire to fall, as this would benit them directly)

  · Themes of leadership (incompetent emperors and military leadership may have played a part in the decline of the empire)

  · Themes of civic duty (the spoiled Roman citizens began to hire more and more mercenaries to dend their borders – paid soldiers with no personal loyalty to the Empire. The Romans may have been better off if they had dended themselves, instead of paying and trusting outsiders to take care of them)

  2) The American Civil War(1861-1865)

  ·Themes of slavery and freedom (one of the major causes of the war was the country’s division over the possession of black slaves and some historians see the war as one huge battle for human freedom and independence)

  ·Themes of divided brother/sisterhood (families were divided on the issues and often found themselves arguing or even physically fighting one another, in order to support their belis)

  ·Themes of authority and leadership (the southern states rebelled against Lincoln’s leadership and denied his authority over them; he was forced to go to war in order to reassert that authority and leadership)

  · Themes of violence as a solution (the American Civil War is an historical example of violence being the only apparent solution to an impossible problem – reuniting a divided nation and asserting Lincoln’s presidential authority)

  3) The Vietnam War(1955-1975)

  ·Themes of power and imperialism (the powerful United States was staging a self-interested, imperial, political intervention in a foreign country; many have argued that it was not our place to do so, and we should have simply let the Vietnamese choose their own form of government)

  · Themes of fear and violence (fear of worldwide Communist takeover motivated a violent response: an armed military intervention in a distant foreign country)

  · Themes of lost youth (the young male soldiers (frequently African-American) who were drafted to fight had little choice and were forced to risk their lives in a conflict that didn’t benit them at all)

  · Themes of exploitation by the powerful (it was mainly the poor males who were drafted; the rich and powerful politicians were looking out for their own interests at the expense of their less-powerful fellow citizens)

  · Themes of “is more/bigger always better?” (The massive American army was still unable to dislodge the highly-motivated guerilla warriors of North Vietnam)

  · Themes of beli/courage vs. impossible odds (The Viet Cong were facing an enemy enormously more well-armed and powerful than themselves, but believed so strongly in their cause that they rused to give up and eventually forced the more powerful U.S. army out of their country)

  4) The American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968)

  ·Themes of protest as a force for change (Both violent and non-violent protests, like the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Freedom Riders, and sit-ins were fective in calling attention to the plight of black Americans, and also put economic and social pressure on existing instutitions that encouraged racial discrimination)

  · Themes of rebellion against authority (Rosa Parks, MLK Jr., and Malcolm X were all hero sand rebels against the white establishment)

  · Themes of human dignity and personal rights (African-Americans demanded equal rights as human beings, and rused to allow their human dignity and rights to be violated any longer)

  · Themes of oppression (segregation was designed to oppress and control African Americans, and it worked for a time, but eventually it became unendurable and led to a form of uprising)

  5) Woodstock (1969)

  · Themes of art’s relationship to society (the music and lyrics greatly affected the society of the era, calling attention to the mistake of the Vietnam War and the equality of all human beings)

  · Themes of youth(Woodstock was attended mainly by young men and women who wanted something “different” than the lives that their parents and authority figures were offering them)

  ·Themes of rebellion (Drugs, nudity, loud rock music, and escape from authority were all major themes of this massive music festival)

  · Themes of ideal is mvs. pragmatism (Woodstock was essentially founded on ideals of youth, rebellion, and free thinking; however, because the festival organizers were perhaps not the most practical people, the festival was overrun by 10 times as many people as was expected)

  · Extra: Jimi Hendrix shredding “The Star-Spangled Banner” on electric guitar (considered one of the dining moments of Woodstock; Hendrix called attention to the corruption of the once-pure ideals of the United States by incorporating violent and agonizing sounds into the national anthem. The electric-guitar version of the old-school anthem赞歌 was a clear sign of the times and the upcoming social changes.)



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