sat写作要拿高分 题得先审对了.

2017-08-05 作者: 282阅读




  这样的分析能力在sat写作考试审题的时候尤为重要,明确的,正确合理的观点是高分的首要保证。我们先讲讲审题的步骤:首先可以快速看下 Assignment之前的引言(prompt),确定关键词和评价词。比方Does being ethical make ithard to be successful?(2009/3).题中的关键词为ethical和successful;评价词为hard.在写作的过程中,要紧扣关键词和评价词,形成因和果的关系,这样就绝不会偏题了。

  那么在审题之后到底该如何确定观点呢?我们再来从真题列举当中体会一二。例如题目Can people havetoo much enthusiasm? (2007/12)一般同学看见这个题目发现关键词为enthusiasm,评价词为have toomuch.然后可能由于考场上时间的紧迫,对于例证准备的缺乏,强行将一些众所周知的例子(比如Edison, BillGates, Martin Luther King Junior)套用上去,指出他们这些伟人都是由于对于自己事业的热忱,最后取得成功。

  诚然,这样论证的确可以成文。但无论从逻辑或者例证来看,都缺乏亮点,平淡无奇,难以打动人心。因为众所周知有了热情和坚持,然后取得成功,是种常理。而常理是不需要深刻论证的。考生要做的事情是客观地把非常理的事情经过自己的分析,描述,说服考官,打动考官。而这,我们便称之为 critical thinking(批判性思维)。

  2、Critical Thinking




  可见,无论是「批判性思考」(critical thinking) 的原创者Edward Glaser,或是当代的学者,都认为「批判性思考」不是以批判为主,而是以客观的理性分析为重心。



  针对这个问题,笔者推荐考生可以妙用“正反思考法则”来尽量避免这一情况。比方(2010.6) Is solitude—spending time alone—necessary for people to achieve their most important goals?

  对于此题,有些考生说没准备过关于孤独(solitude)的人物论据怎么办,那么我们可以试着从反面来表示观点,就是说孤独在达成目标的过程当中不是必要的,然后引入常规论据“合作”(cooperation),论证合作才能使人达成目标。同时考生要学会把关键词引申开来,比方说 cooperation=teamwork=individual+individual / individual +group /group+group/。这样一来,问题自然迎刃而解。



  s conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power?

  As society toils onward into its dreams of the future, the progress that accompanies this movement may be tainted by individual motives of avarice. However, as seen in various fields such as art, history, and science, the human conscience will limit the motivation of greed and inspire good works for the sake of morality. One’s sense of right and wrong forever impels one to be a decent, thoughtful person.

  Such people widely populate the idealistic field of literature. Though novels may be rife with villainous, self-serving characters, only the heroic and moral personas emerge triumphant. For example, the well-known literary character Huckleberry Finn, from Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, rescinds his claim to a sizable fortune if possessing such wealth would diminish his safety. Furthermore, Huck will risk himself to ensure the security of his close comrade Jim. His loyalty, a facet of one’s conscience, compels him to sacrifice his safety to ensure the well-being of others, which is more than money has accomplished in motivating Huck. Thus, a person, however fictional, considers the rewards of acting on conscience to be more fruitful than to be possessed by greed.

  Although such characters are fictional, the same motives of charity and morality have inspired numerous people in history to set aside their desires. Lyndon B. Johnson, Former President of the United States, pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through Congress motivated by conscience and a desire to correct the immorality of racism in society. Though some Senators stridently opposed such a bill, the power of motivation by conscience impassioned Johnson to strive even harder to remain loyal to the American precepts of equality. Such is fruition of conscientious actions.

  Though the great figures of history seem out of reach in their stature, as an individual I am faced with moral dilemmas rather often. For example, I have been offered more weighty positions on the newspaper, but as a rule, I have always rused when there was someone better qualified than I. Consequently, their talents result in a more improved issue, thereby increasing the benit for all.

  There in lies the reason why we are compelled by conscience. Money, fame and power are fleeting and insubstantial, for they can never mend the integrity sacrificed to obtain them. It is only when we act in the name of what is right that all of our possible talents may benit ourselves, our peers, and our ideals.(403)


  澳际留学深知每一个留学人都是独一无二的,因此我们非常厌恶制作中文文书而后翻译成英文的落后方式。令人遗憾的是,这正是很多DIY申请者和留学公司无法避免的行为。中西思维差异而导致的中式英语和词不达意等弊病对申请结果影响恶劣,我们则会根据申请者个人特点和录取委员会的思维逻辑进行纯英文创作。我们追求用地道的英语精彩展现申请人的特点,将Be Yourself 和Admission Officers' Thinking在每一份文书中完美结合。这不仅极大增加了成功机会,也让文书的写作变成了与我们的用户进行心灵交流的一种仪式。这个过程,不断感动着参与到其中的我们并为此骄傲。


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