
2017-08-05 作者: 228阅读


  1.Many of today’s physicians and patients are ------- high technology, captivated by computer-designed drugs and laser surgery.

  (A) nervous about

  (B) densive about

  (C) tolerant of

  (D) enamored of

  (E) overwhelmed by

  (A) negligible (B) insipid (C) poignant (D) amiable (E) receptive

  2.Troy was ------- when he wasn’t elected class president: his spirits were so low that there was nothing we could say or do to cheer him up.

  Answer Choices

  (A) unctuous

  (B) disconsolate

  (C) ebullient

  (D) inscrutable

  (E) tenacious

  (A) despondent

  (B) antiquated

  (C) rejuvenated

  (D) superlative

  (E) esoteric

  3.Those scholars who believe that the true author of the poem died in 1812 consider the authenticity of this particular manuscript ------- because it includes rerences to events that occurred in 1818.

  (A) ageless

  (B) tenable

  (C) suspect

  (D) unique

  (E) legitimate

  4.Troy was ------- when he wasn’t elected class president: his spirits were so low that there was nothing we could say or do to cheer him up.

  Answer Choices

  (A) unctuous

  (B) disconsolate

  (C) ebullient

  (D) inscrutable

  (E) tenacious

  5.Observing the newspaper’s tradition of ------- attention to accuracy, the reporter ------- every statement made by her informant.

  (A) scrupulous . . verified

  (B) lax . . challenged

  (C) sporadic . . corroborated

  (D) systematic . . bungled

  (E) inordinate . . exaggerated

  6.Andrew Jackson’s ideal vision of an American nation composed of farmers and artisans had become increasingly ------- by the 1860s, when the new ------- economy was turning craftspersons and planters into factory laborers.

  Answer Choices

  (A) antiquated . . agricultural

  (B) feasible . . industrial

  (C) elusive . . artistic

  (D) fanciful . . manufacturing

  (E) progressive . . urban

  7.The language of Anne Spencer’s poetry conveys an impression of ------- that can be misleading: just when a poem seems to be echoing routine feelings, the diction suddenly sharpens to embody fresh and unexpected ideas.

  (A) frivolity

  (B) triteness

  (C) diversity

  (D) lyricism

  (E) precision

  8.Joe Louis was ------- fighter: he inspired fear in many of his opponents.

  Answer Choices

  (A) a serene

  (B) an impetuous

  (C) an insipid

  (D) a malleable

  (E) a redoubtable

  9.While a “rock” is usually dined as ------- , or a combination, of one or more minerals, geologists often ------- the dinition to include such materials as clay, loose sand, and certain limestones.

  (A) a conglomeration . . limit

  (B) an aggregate . . extend

  (C) an element . . eliminate

  (D) a blend . . restrict

  (E) a product . . provide

  10.His ------- prior experience notwithstanding, David was judged by the hiring manager to be------- the job.

  (A) illustrious . . entitled to

  (B) limited . . qualified for

  (C) applicable . . assured of

  (D) usul . . overqualified for

  (E) irrelevant . . perplexed by


  1.The correct answer is D


  The comma indicates that the second clause of the sentence will support or restate the first clause. Only the term “enamored” reinforces the notion that doctors and their patients are “captivated,” or charmed, by “high technology” such as “computer-designed drugs and laser surgery.”

  2.The correct answer is B


  To be “disconsolate” is to be cheerless and dejected, or cast down in spirits. The sentence indicates that Troy’s spirits were very low — so low, in fact, that nobody could do anything to bring him cheer. It makes sense, then, to describe Troy as disconsolate, or cheerless and dejected, after losing the election.

  3.The correct answer is C


  Choice (C) is correct. Since an author would be unable to rer to events that occurred after he or she had died, scholars would have cause for considering the authenticity of an 1818 manuscript “suspect,” or worthy of suspicion.

  4.The correct answer is B


  To be “disconsolate” is to be cheerless and dejected, or cast down in spirits. The sentence indicates that Troy’s spirits were very low — so low, in fact, that nobody could do anything to bring him cheer. It makes sense, then, to describe Troy as disconsolate, or cheerless and dejected, after losing the election.

  5.The correct answer is A


  It makes sense to claim that the reporter’s verification of a source’s information would conform to her newspaper’s “scrupulous,” or precise, standards for accuracy.

  6.The correct answer is D


  Choice (D) is correct. If Jackson’s vision were of a nation peopled by farmers and artisans, it makes sense to say that that vision had become more “fanciful,” or imaginative, than practical at a time when manufacturing was drawing people to factory jobs.

  7.The correct answer is B


  Only “triteness” logically completes the sentence; a poem echoing routine feelings might well be described as possessing “triteness,” in contrast to the fresh and unexpected ideas that Anne Spencer’s poems go on to express.

  8.The correct answer is E


  The colon introduces an explanation, an illustration, or a restatement of the first part of the sentence. “Redoubtable” is the best choice because it accurately describes someone who “inspires fear” in others.

  9.The correct answer is B


  Choice (B) is correct. If these terms were inserted into the sentence, the sentence would read, “While a &aposrock&apos is usually dined as an aggregate, or combination, of one or more minerals, geologists often extend the dinition to include such materials as clay, loose sand, and certain limestones.” An “aggregate” is the sum total of a combination of things, so a “rock” is an aggregate of one or more minerals. In addition to minerals, geologists feel confident including other materials such as “clay, loose sand, and certain limestones” in their dinition of a rock; they “extend,” or broaden, the dinition.

  10.The correct answer is B


  Choice (B) is correct. It makes sense to say that despite his “limited”—but apparently applicable—experience, the hiring manager feels that David is “qualified for” the job, or competent to undertake it.




  1.Many of today’s physicians and patients are ------- high technology, captivated by computer-designed drugs and laser surgery.

  (A) nervous about

  (B) densive about

  (C) tolerant of

  (D) enamored of

  (E) overwhelmed by

  (A) negligible (B) insipid (C) poignant (D) amiable (E) receptive

  2.Troy was ------- when he wasn’t elected class president: his spirits were so low that there was nothing we could say or do to cheer him up.

  Answer Choices

  (A) unctuous

  (B) disconsolate

  (C) ebullient

  (D) inscrutable

  (E) tenacious

  (A) despondent

  (B) antiquated

  (C) rejuvenated

  (D) superlative

  (E) esoteric

  3.Those scholars who believe that the true author of the poem died in 1812 consider the authenticity of this particular manuscript ------- because it includes rerences to events that occurred in 1818.

  (A) ageless

  (B) tenable

  (C) suspect

  (D) unique

  (E) legitimate

  4.Troy was ------- when he wasn’t elected class president: his spirits were so low that there was nothing we could say or do to cheer him up.

  Answer Choices

  (A) unctuous

  (B) disconsolate

  (C) ebullient

  (D) inscrutable

  (E) tenacious

  5.Observing the newspaper’s tradition of ------- attention to accuracy, the reporter ------- every statement made by her informant.

  (A) scrupulous . . verified

  (B) lax . . challenged

  (C) sporadic . . corroborated

  (D) systematic . . bungled

  (E) inordinate . . exaggerated

  6.Andrew Jackson’s ideal vision of an American nation composed of farmers and artisans had become increasingly ------- by the 1860s, when the new ------- economy was turning craftspersons and planters into factory laborers.

  Answer Choices

  (A) antiquated . . agricultural

  (B) feasible . . industrial

  (C) elusive . . artistic

  (D) fanciful . . manufacturing

  (E) progressive . . urban

  7.The language of Anne Spencer’s poetry conveys an impression of ------- that can be misleading: just when a poem seems to be echoing routine feelings, the diction suddenly sharpens to embody fresh and unexpected ideas.

  (A) frivolity

  (B) triteness

  (C) diversity

  (D) lyricism

  (E) precision

  8.Joe Louis was ------- fighter: he inspired fear in many of his opponents.

  Answer Choices

  (A) a serene

  (B) an impetuous

  (C) an insipid

  (D) a malleable

  (E) a redoubtable

  9.While a “rock” is usually dined as ------- , or a combination, of one or more minerals, geologists often ------- the dinition to include such materials as clay, loose sand, and certain limestones.

  (A) a conglomeration . . limit

  (B) an aggregate . . extend

  (C) an element . . eliminate

  (D) a blend . . restrict

  (E) a product . . provide

  10.His ------- prior experience notwithstanding, David was judged by the hiring manager to be------- the job.

  (A) illustrious . . entitled to

  (B) limited . . qualified for

  (C) applicable . . assured of

  (D) usul . . overqualified for

  (E) irrelevant . . perplexed by





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