
2017-08-05 作者: 205阅读


  1.Although Paul Bowles wrote many musical pieces during his prolific career, his work as a composer was ultimately ------- his writing, for which he received the most acclaim.

  (A) demolished by

  (B) paramount to

  (C) overshadowed by

  (D) adjacent to

  (E) precluded by

  2.The radical ideas in Henderson&aposs speech were ------- to those assembled, inciting many in the crowd to anger and some to open rebellion.

  (A) exhilarating

  (B) sympathetic

  (C) gratifying

  (D) inflammatory

  (E) tiresome

  3.Scientists are studying the birth and growth of thunderstorms to discover what causes the difference between showers that enable crops to ------- and ------- storms that cause floods and erosions.

  (A) flourish . . violent

  (B) wither . . damaging

  (C) grow . . harmless

  (D) parch . . severe

  (E) multiply . . essential

  4.Exotics and indigenous weeds include some of the most ------- species: their visual impact often eclipses that of nearby plants.

  (A) lethal

  (B) diffuse

  (C) varied

  (D) striking

  (E) resilient


  1.The correct answer is C


  The sentence indicates that Paul Bowles had a “prolific,” or very productive, career as a music composer but “received the most acclaim” for his writing. If Bowles received more praise for his writing than for his “many musical pieces,” it seems clear that his writing “overshadowed,” or was more prominent and considered more important than, “his work as a composer.”

  2.The correct answer is D


  The correct answer is (D). “Inflammatory” means arousing passion or strong emotion. The structure of the sentence indicates that the part of the sentence after the comma will explain or elaborate on the information in the first part of the sentence. Because Henderson’s radical, or revolutionary, ideas aroused enough emotion to make some people angry and to make others openly rebellious, it makes sense to say that Henderson’s ideas were inflammatory.

  3.The correct answer is A


  A shower is gentle rain that waters crops, making them “flourish.” In contrast, the deluge of rain in a “violent” storm may damage crops and soil.

  4. The correct answer is D


  A “striking,” or showy, weed could indeed be said to “eclipse,” or overshadow, other plants that have more typical appearances.




  1.Although Paul Bowles wrote many musical pieces during his prolific career, his work as a composer was ultimately ------- his writing, for which he received the most acclaim.

  (A) demolished by

  (B) paramount to

  (C) overshadowed by

  (D) adjacent to

  (E) precluded by

  2.The radical ideas in Henderson&aposs speech were ------- to those assembled, inciting many in the crowd to anger and some to open rebellion.

  (A) exhilarating

  (B) sympathetic

  (C) gratifying

  (D) inflammatory

  (E) tiresome

  3.Scientists are studying the birth and growth of thunderstorms to discover what causes the difference between showers that enable crops to ------- and ------- storms that cause floods and erosions.

  (A) flourish . . violent

  (B) wither . . damaging

  (C) grow . . harmless

  (D) parch . . severe

  (E) multiply . . essential

  4.Exotics and indigenous weeds include some of the most ------- species: their visual impact often eclipses that of nearby plants.

  (A) lethal

  (B) diffuse

  (C) varied

  (D) striking

  (E) resilient 上12下




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