
2017-08-05 作者: 208阅读

  SAT考试成绩,或和其具有同等效力的ACT考试(American College Test)成绩,在申请美国大部分大学时都是必须提供的。下面为大家整理的是2013年12月7日—12月13日的6道SAT阅读完成句子的练习题及答案解析。同学们可以利用周末检测一下自己的学习,查漏补缺。希望对大家有所帮助。

  1.Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples, is not ------- in preventing bone and joint diseases, which can make bones susceptible to injury, but it can help injured bones -------.

  (A) corrective . . heal

  (B) fective . . recover

  (C) detrimental . . multiply

  (D) supportive . . degenerate

  (E) vital . . persist

  2.The party guests were enthralled by the host&aposs ------- anecdotes, which were full of engaging and provocative details.

  (A) piquant

  (B) obtrusive

  (C) insipid

  (D) discursive

  (E) forthright

  3.Although often victims of circumstance, the heroines of Shakespearean comedy tend to be------- women, usually ready with a clever stratagem or verbal ploy for getting out of a difficult situation.

  (A) imperious

  (B) suffering

  (C) excitable

  (D) resourcul

  (E) precocious

  4.Not wanting to come across as -------, the award-winning biologist ------- her many impressive accomplishments as she addressed the team of scientists.

  (A) egotistical . . downplayed

  (B) experienced . . explored

  (C) celebrated . . highlighted

  (D) arrogant . . evoked

  (E) incompetent . . omitted

  5.He maintains that ethnic and cultural ------- are generalizations no more related to what an individual is actually like than are the ------- representations of constellations to the actual nature of a star.

  (A) traditions . . chemical

  (B) stereotypes . . pictorial

  (C) details . . figurative

  (D) heritages . . prophetic

  (E) specimens . . graphic

  6.The salmon&aposs extraordinary ability to smell a single drop of its home river in almost two million gallons of seawater is only one of the fish&aposs many ------- skills.

  (A) sinuous

  (B) encumbered

  (C) colossal

  (D) prodigious

  (E) furtive



  1.The correct answer is B


  It makes sense to say that although bromelain is not “fective” against, or cannot prevent, bone injury, it is fective in helping injured bones “recover.”

  2.The correct answer is A


  The sentence suggests that the host&aposs "anecdotes," or stories, were enthralling because they were full of "engaging and provocative details." In other words, the anecdotes were "piquant," or engagingly provocative and charming.

  3.The correct answer is D


  Only “resourcul” logically completes the sentence: a resourcul woman would be one who is “ready with a clever stratagem or verbal ploy for getting out of a difficult situation.”

  4.The correct answer is A


  If the bioligist did not want to appear “egotistical," or seem to have an exaggerated sense of self-importance, it is likely that she would have "downplayed," or de-emphasized, "her many impressive accomplishments" when she spoke to the group of scientists.

  5.The correct answer is B


  The terms in choice (B) logically complete the sentence’s comparison between ethnic and cultural “generalizations” and certain “representations of constellations.” “Stereotypes” are oversimplified generalizations that do not necessarily describe what a particular person is actually like—just as “pictorial,” or picture-based, representations of constellations cannot accurately describe a star’s “actual nature.”

  6.The correct answer is D


  The sentence focuses on an ability that is "extraordinary," or very remarkable. It makes sense to suggest that this remarkable ability is just one of the salmon&aposs "many prodigious skills," or only one of the salmon&aposs many remarkable and impressive skills.



  SAT考试成绩,或和其具有同等效力的ACT考试(American College Test)成绩,在申请美国大部分大学时都是必须提供的。下面为大家整理的是2013年12月7日—12月13日的6道SAT阅读完成句子的练习题及答案解析。同学们可以利用周末检测一下自己的学习,查漏补缺。希望对大家有所帮助。

  1.Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples, is not ------- in preventing bone and joint diseases, which can make bones susceptible to injury, but it can help injured bones -------.

  (A) corrective . . heal

  (B) fective . . recover

  (C) detrimental . . multiply

  (D) supportive . . degenerate

  (E) vital . . persist

  2.The party guests were enthralled by the host&aposs ------- anecdotes, which were full of engaging and provocative details.

  (A) piquant

  (B) obtrusive

  (C) insipid

  (D) discursive

  (E) forthright

  3.Although often victims of circumstance, the heroines of Shakespearean comedy tend to be------- women, usually ready with a clever stratagem or verbal ploy for getting out of a difficult situation.

  (A) imperious

  (B) suffering

  (C) excitable

  (D) resourcul

  (E) precocious

  4.Not wanting to come across as -------, the award-winning biologist ------- her many impressive accomplishments as she addressed the team of scientists.

  (A) egotistical . . downplayed

  (B) experienced . . explored

  (C) celebrated . . highlighted

  (D) arrogant . . evoked

  (E) incompetent . . omitted

  5.He maintains that ethnic and cultural ------- are generalizations no more related to what an individual is actually like than are the ------- representations of constellations to the actual nature of a star.

  (A) traditions . . chemical

  (B) stereotypes . . pictorial

  (C) details . . figurative

  (D) heritages . . prophetic

  (E) specimens . . graphic

  6.The salmon&aposs extraordinary ability to smell a single drop of its home river in almost two million gallons of seawater is only one of the fish&aposs many ------- skills.

  (A) sinuous

  (B) encumbered

  (C) colossal

  (D) prodigious

  (E) furtive





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