
2017-07-10 作者: 153阅读


The graph below shows the Alcohol-related deaths in 7 different countries and the average beer consumption in 2005.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting description of the correlation of the table that follow.

Sample Answer:

The provided data shows the alcohol related deaths for the year 2005 in 7 different countries and the beer consumption of people of these countries.

As is presented in the table, alcohol related death was highest in Czech Republic while the beers consumption in this country was also highest and more men died in alcohol related problem than females.

In the given seven countries more than 5000000 people died in 2005 for the alcohol related problem where men were significantly more than the female. There is a connection between the per capita beer consumption with the death from alcohol related problems. In Czech Republic, on an average 132 litre of beers were consumes in 2005 and that caused the highest number of alcohol related death in this country (about 1369000 death). German people consumed the second largest amount of beer on an average and that caused the second highest death in this country which was about 1185000. Lithuanian population drank the comparatively fewer litre of beers on an average and that make them to be the country where least number of people (about 125000) died for alcohol related problem. Other countries that had higher numbers of beer consumption and higher number of alcohol related deaths were Austria, Ireland, Canada and Estonia. Interestingly the alcohol related death in Canada was higher than the Estonia and Lithuania though Canadian people consumes comparatively less beers per person on an average than the later two countries. Finally the percentage of female who died from alcohol related problems were much lesser than the the male counterparts.

(Approximately 262 words)


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