
2017-07-10 作者: 154阅读


The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics.

Describe the information shown below in your own words. What implications do the indicators have for the countries?

Model Answer:

The provided table compares four important economic and social factors of four countries namely Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire for the year 1994. As is observed from the given data, Canada and Japan has a far more better economic and social conditions than the other two countries.

We can observe from the given information that, Japan has the highest literacy rate (99%), per person annual income (USD 15760), longest life expectancy (78 years) and second highest (2846) daily calorie supply per person. Again Canada is another country with a very good social and economic situation that has 99% literate population, USD 11100 per person annual earning, 76 years life expectancy and the highest daily calorie supply per person which is 3326. On the contrary the other two countries have poorer economic and social conditions. Peru has only $ 160 annual income per person which is 98 times less than Japan and they have only 68% adult literate compared to the 99% of other two developed countries. Zaire has the worst economic and social condition among these four countries with the least adult literacy (only 34%), 130 USD annual per person income, 1749 daily calorie supply and only 47 years life expectancy.

In summary, Japan and Canada are two socially and economically developed countries with very good social and economic indicators while Peru and Zaire are two undeveloped countries with poor life expectancy, earning, food supply and literacy rates.

(Approximately 238words)


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