
2017-07-10 作者: 92阅读


The diagrams below give information on transport and car use in Edmonton.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Sample Answer:

The given data shows the type and reason of transportation used in Edmonton. According to the given information, car was the most common transportation type used by the people of Edmond and work business purpose was the main two reasons they traveled.

As is presented in the pie chart and table, 45% travel was made by cars whereas the light rail transit was used 35%. These two were the highest used transportation types used by the people of Edmonton. Bus and Taxi were both used 10% of the total travel which were much lesser than the use of car and rail transportations. According to the table data, most people travelled to commute to work and the percentage of it was 55. The send highest percentage of people travelled for business purpose which was 10% less than the work commuting reason. For shopping and leisure activity 15% people travelled and to take children to their school was another reason people travelled which occupies 40% of their total travel.

In conclusion, people of Edmonton travelled mostly for work, business and to reach their children to school and they used mostly cars and rails for that.


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