
2017-07-10 作者: 227阅读


The graphs show changes in spending habits of people in UK between 1971 and 2001.

Write a report to a university lecturer describing the data.

Sample Answer:

The provided pie charts give information on the spending habits of UK citizens in 1971 and 2001. As is observed from the charts, the expenditure on petrol furniture reduced significantly while the amount spent on computers increased.

Initially in 1971, British people spent 36% on petrol which was the highest percentage among the given expense categories. Their expense on Furniture was second largest (32%) while they spent 25% on restaurants. The least amount spent by them was in computer which was only 7% in this year.

After 30 years in 2001, the expense on petrol and furniture reduced to 8% which is significantly lower than the percentage in 1971. But the expense on computers increased by 5% in 2001. People spent 1% on books in this year. The expenses for restaurant decreased to 14% compared to the 25% in 1971 and this is probably people spent more on food preparing at home. The highest amount spent in 2001 by UK people was in car and that consist almost the half of the total expense in this year.


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