
2017-07-10 作者: 40阅读


For the past year you have been a member of a local club. Now you want to discontinue your membership.

Write a letter to the club secretary.? In your letter

? state what type of membership you have and how you have paid for this?

? give details of how you have benited from the club?

? explain why you want to leave.

Model Answer:

Dear Sir,

In September 2006, I joined your Sports and Social club as a full-time student member. Since then I have paid the monthly membership fees by direct debit from my bank: Nationwide in Sanderson Avenue, Kinghill.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my club membership as it has provided me with usul opportunities to meet up with other young people and to participate in a number of social activities. I have also been fortunate enough to play in some of the inter-club tennis tournaments and have taken advantage of the various classes available such as Yoga and T'ai chi.

However, my studies are now coming to an end and as I will shortly be returning to my home country, possibly for good, I regret that I no longer wish to continue my membership.

I would be gratul, therore, if you could confirm in writing that the monthly fee will no longer be deducted from my bank account.

Sincerely yours,



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