
2017-07-10 作者: 249阅读


You recently took a part-time job working for a local company. After a few weeks you realised there were some problems with the job.

Write a letter to the manager of the company. In your letter

-- explain why you took the job

-- describe the problems that you experienced

-- suggest what could be done about them.

Model Answer:

Dear Mr. Adison,

I am a part-time call-centre operator at your company, started working about 4 weeks ago. I am writing to indicate the problem I encountered during my work.

Actually, I decided to took the position of a telesales specialist because consider myself able to develop a career in sales due to my skill of establishing good contact with people and make them trust me. However, I realised there are some obstacles on a way to success.

The problems started 3 weeks ago then the system administrator updated my software. At the time of a call I was querying a customer for his personal data then suddenly my computer reloaded and this person’s profile was lost. This situation repeated in the future for several times. I asked the system administrator to solve this problem, but he told me this is solely my fault and my computer skills are below required to use this program.

I am assured the complete situation makes company profits lower. I believe that software managing specialist could fix the problem if the initiative would be taken by a senior manager of your rank.

Sincerely yours,

Ben Flip


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