
2016-06-02 作者: 2947阅读

The worldwide recession has been a challenge for many companies. However, one industry shows no sign of a slow-down is cosmetic surgery.
It seems that the demand for these surgical procedures is growing. In the United States alone there were a staggering 1.7 million cosmetic surgical procedures carried out in 2012-an increase of over three percent on the previous year. In Britain, it is a similar story, with particular grains in face lifts and operation on eyelids.
Susan Dawes had rhinoplasty-an operation to change the shape of her nose. She has never looked back. “It really improved my self-esteem. My old nose was crooked, and I was teased a lot at school. Now, I can stop obsessing about my looks. It’s making such a difference. Many men are also having cosmetic procedures. Dominic Brookes decided last year to have liposuction on his stomach. “I wanted a six-pack”, he say, “and exercise just wasn’t delivering the result I wanted.”
With the growing acceptance of cosmetic surgery, commentators urge would-be patients to carry out extensive research before coming to a decision. Angela Gordon, a writer for a leading health magazine, advises patients to choose their surgeon very carefully. “Beware of flashy websites.” She advises, “Have consultations with several different surgeons, don’t just choose a surgeon based on price.
With cosmetic surgery being largely unregulated in many countries, choosing a reputable surgeon is a challenge. However, with more than $10 billion being spent on procedures in the US in 2011 alone, it seems unlikely that the demand for cosmetic surgery will wave in the foreseeable future.


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