

法版职场第一帖:有留用机会的MWE China实习招聘

2017/04/05 17:03:07 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:190 移动端


咱们澳际终于开出了自己的职场板块了! 撒花先庆祝下! 今后大家不仅仅可以在澳际的大家庭中找到申请信息,找到朋友,更可以在这里解决你们的职业问题!!!!! 准备出国的同学可以在这里找到好的实习机会完善背景, 出国回来的同学可以在这里找到心仪的工作!!!!!!!

好啦,不多说啦! 我们本版的第一帖, MWE China( Mcdermott Will & Emery) , 代表性合伙人主要有:黄仲兰,赵久苏,钱奕 等。 这次招聘的是Legal Intern, 人数很多5-7人, 招聘很急筛选简历后会马上安排面试确定人选。 最重要的是, 是为将来的留用 做观察筛选准备的实习!只要表现出色一定留用! 要求如下及联系方式如下, 小伙伴们将自己的英文简历投递就可以了! Internship for the MWE China Discovery Team We are currently seeking Interns for our new discovery review team.  This team will be made up of unique lawyers who combine traditional attorney skills with new methods of process ficiency for scalable, standardized work.  The primary legal areas for discovery will be labor, compliance, and litigation, but it has the potential to touch on all aspects of the law.  Overall, this position represents a new method and paradigm for lawyers, and while traditional partner-track opportunities are still possible, lawyers in our discovery team will experience a legal practice that is significantly different from the role of typical attorneys, and ideal candidates will be innovators who are interested more in the future of the law than the past or current state.  We will offer orientation and intensive training for the right candidates.  The ideal candidates must have: • Pass P.R.C. Bar examination; • Strong English skills; • The ability to learn quickly; • The ability to find creative solutions; • The drive to stick with a problem and keep working at it even when it seems impossible; • Be independently motivated; • A strong interest in IT, and must have studied IT (formally or informally); and • A better than average understanding of computers and technology. Location: Shanghai

Contact E-mail: recruit@mwechinalaw.com and CC to Apan@mwe.com

原帖作者:我是四蛋 立即咨询

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