2020-03-02 410阅读
Business,Economics, Finance and Management商业,经济,金融和管理方向
BSc International Business
BA (Hons) Accounting and Management
BA (Hons) Management
BBA Culinary Industry Management
BSc (Hons) Accounting
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Management with Finance
BSc (Hons) Accounting with Finance
BSc (Hons) Business
BSc (Hons) Business Psychology
BSc (Hons) Computing
BSc (Hons) Economic and Social Policy
BSc (Hons) Economics and Business
BSc (Hons) Financial Economics
BSc (Hons) Financial Economics with Accounting
BSc (Hons) Marketing
Engineeringand Sciences工程与科学方向
BSc (Hons) Mathematics
BSc (Hons) Planetary Science with Astronomy
BSc Biomedicine
BSc Environmental Geology (Part-time)
BSc Geology
Humanitiesand Social Sciences人文和社会科学方向
BA (Hons) Arts and Humanities
BA (Hons) Classical Studies
BA (Hons) Classics
BA (Hons) Contemporary History and Politics
BA (Hons) English
BA (Hons) Film and Media
BA (Hons) French Studies
BA (Hons) German
BA (Hons) Global Cinemas and Screen Arts
BA (Hons) Global Politics and InternationalRelations
BA (Hons) History
BA (Hons) History and Archaeology
BA (Hons) History and InternationalRelations
BA (Hons) History of Art
BA (Hons) History of Art
BA (Hons) History of Art and Curating
BA (Hons) Journalism and Media
BA (Hons) Language and Film/Media (French,German,Portuguese, Spanish)
BA (Hons) Language and Global Politics(French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish)
BA (Hons) Language and History (French,German, Portuguese, Spanish)
BA (Hons) Language and Management (French,German, Portuguese, Spanish)
BA (Hons) Language and Politics (French,German, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish)
BA (Hons) Linguistics and Language
BA (Hons) Media and Culture
BA (Hons) Modern Languages (French, German,Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish)
BA (Hons) Philosophy
BA (Hons) Politics and Government
BA (Hons) Politics and Government
BA (Hons) Politics, Philosophy and History
BA (Hons) Psychosocial Studies
BA (Hons) Spanish, Portuguese and LatinAmerican Studies with International Experience
BA (Hons) Theatre and Drama Studies
BSc (Hons) Development and Globalisation
BSc (Hons) Psychology
BSc (Hons) Social Science
LLB (Hons) Law
BA (Hons) Archaeology
BSc (Hons) Biomedicine
BSc (Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice
BSc (Hons) Earth Sciences
BSc (Hons) Environmental Management
BSc (Hons) Geography
BSc (Hons) Geology
BSc (Hons) Planetary Science with Astronom
Business,Economics, Finance and Management商业,经济,金融和管理方向可衔接的大二专业:
BA (Hons) Accounting and Management
BA (Hons) Management
BSc (Hons) Accounting
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Management with Finance
BSc (Hons) Accounting with Finance
BSc (Hons) Marketing
BSc (Hons) Business
Business,Economics, Finance and Management商业,经济,金融和管理方向
MA Arts Policy and Management
MSc Accounting and Financial Management
MSc Business Innovation with E-Business
MSc Business Innovation with Entrepreneurshipand innovation Management
MSc Business Innovation with InternationalTechnology Management
MSc Business Technologies
MSc Corporate Governance and BusinessEthics
MSc Corporate Responsibility &Sustainability
MSc Economics
MSc Education, Power and Social Change
MSc Finance
MSc Financial Economics
MSc Financial Engineering
MSc Financial Risk Management
MSc Human Resource Development andConsultancy
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc International Business
MSc International Business and Development
MSc International Business and the EuropeanUnion
MSc International Management
MSc International Marketing
MSc Investment Management
MSc Management
MSc Management Consultancy andOrganisational Change
MSc Management with Business Innovation
MSc Management with Business Strategy andthe Environment
MSc Management with Corporate Governanceand Business Ethics
MSc Management with Creative Industries
MSc Management with Human ResourceManagement
MSc Management with International Business
MSc Management with International Businessand Development
MSc Management with Marketing
MSc Management with Sport Management
MSc Marketing
MSc Marketing Communications
MSc Sport Management
MSc Sport Management and Marketing
MSc Sport Management and the Business ofFootball
MSc Sport Management, Governance and Policy
MSc Sport Marketing
Engineeringand Sciences工程和科学方向
MA Cognition and Computation
MA Medical Humanities
MSc Computing Creative Industries
MSc Management Creative Industries
MSc Advanced Computing Technologies
MSc Applied Statistics
MSc Cognition and Computation
MSc Computer Science
MSc Computing for the Financial Services
MSc Forensic Psychology
MSc Information Systems and Management
MSc Information Technology
MSc Mathematics
MSc Medical Leadership
Humanitiesand Social Sciences
LLM / MA Human Rights
LLM Constitutional Politics, Law and Theory
LLM International Economic Law
LLM International Economic Law, Justice andDevelopment
LLM Law General
LLM Law, Democracy, and Human Welfare:Global Perspectives
LLM Qualifying Law Degree
MA / LLM Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
MA Applied Linguistics
MA Classical Civilisation
MA Classics
MA Comparative Literature
MA Contemporary History and Politics
MA Contemporary Literature and Culture
MA Creative Producing (for Theatre and LivePerformance)
MA History of Ideas
MA History of the British Isles
MA Intercultural Communication for Businessand Professions
MA Japanese Cultural Studies
MA Journalist
MA Language Teaching
MA Medieval History
MA Medieval Literature and Culture
MA Modern and Contemporary Literature
MA Museum Cultures
MA Philosophy
MA Psychoanalysis, History, Culture
MA Psychosocial Studies
MA Renaissance Studies
MA Romantic Studies
MA Screenwriting
MA Creative Writing
MA Cultural and Critical Studies
MA Culture, Diaspora, Ethnicity
MA Developmental Sciences
MA Early Modern History
MA European History
MA Film Curating
MA Film, Television and Screen Media
MA Film, Television and Screen Media(European Pathway)
MA Historical Research
MA History of Art
MA History of Art with Photography
MA Spanish, Portuguese and Latin AmericanCultural Studies
MA TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers ofOther Languages)
MA Text and Performance
MA Victorian Studies
MA World Cinema
MA World History
MFA Theatre Directing
MSc Accelerated Distance LearningOrganizational Behaviour
MSc Career Management and Coaching
MSc Children, Youth and InternationalDevelopment
MSc Development Studies
MSc Development Studies and SocialAnthropology
MSc Developmental Sciences
MSc European Politics and Policy
MSc Global Governance and Emerging Powers
MSc Global Politics
MSc Government, Policy and Politics
MSc International Security and GlobalGovernance
MSc Learning Technologies
MSc Middle East in Global Politics: Islam,Conflict and Development
MSc Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict
MSc Occupational Psychology
MSc Organizational Behaviour
MSc Politics of Population, Migration andEcology
MSc Psychodynamic Counselling &Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents
MSc Psychodynamic Counselling andPsychotherapy
MSc Psychodynamics of Human Development
MSc Psychological Research Methods
MSc Psychology (part-time conversioncourse)
MSc Public Policy and Management
MSc Social and Political Theory
MSc Social Research
MA Archaeological Practice
MA Classical Archaeology
MA Cognitive Neuroscience andNeuropsychology
MA Educational Neuroscience
MA Social and Cultural Geography
MSc Environmental Management (Countrysideand Protected Area Management )
MSc Analytical Bioscience
MSc Analytical Chemistry
MSc Bio-business
MSc Bioinformatics with Systems Biology
MSc Climate Change Management
MSc Cognitive Neuroscience andNeuropsychology
MSc Educational Neuroscience
MSc Environment and Sustainability
MSc Gender, Sexuality and Society
MSc Geographic Information Science
MSc Microbiology
MSc Structural Molecular Biology
1) 学术要求
中国教育背景申请学术要求:完成高二或高三,平均成绩60%或以上;或职高三年毕业证申请UFP商科,平均分65%(需要至少4 门核心课程,例如数学、英语、科学、历史、政治、社会科学等)
英国教育背景申请学术要求:O levels/GCSE/iGCSE 4 个 D, 或新评分系统 O levels/GCSE/iGCSE 4 门 3-9 分;IB certificate 21 分。会计学、工程学及科学,数学成绩达到C,或4-9分,或2个AS成绩(中文B和一个AS相关专业E 可接受)
* 此类课程只提供Business 商务学预科 和 Humanities & SocialSciences人文社科预科
中国教育背景申请学术要求:完成高三平均分75%或以上 ,4 门专业相关课程。不要求高考成绩。
英国教育背景申请学术要求:GCE O levels 5门 A/B ;或 新评分系统GCE O levels 5门 5-9分;或GCSE/iGCSE 5门B+, 新评分系统OR GCSE/iGCSE 5门5-9分;或AS level 3 C+
2) 雅思要求
班型专业方向UKVI雅思要求普通本科预科Business 商务学Engineering and PhysicalSciences 工程与物理科学Humanities & Social Sciences人文社科Life Sciences 生命科学5.0 (写作5.0,其他单科 4.5)4.5 (写作4.5, 其他单科4.0)本科预科精英班Business 商务学Humanities & Social Sciences人文社科5.5 (写作5.5, 其他单科5.0)3) 课程长度开学期
班型专业方向学制开学期普通本科预科Business 商务学Engineering and PhysicalSciences 工程与物理科学Humanities & Social Sciences人文社科Life Sciences 生命科学3学期09.06-次年06.07,01.06-同年08.144学期09.16-次年08.14;6月-次年6月本科预科精英班Business 商务学Humanities & Social Sciences人文社科3学期09.16-次年05.154) 课程费用
班型专业方向学制学费普通本科预科Business 商务学Engineering and PhysicalSciences 工程与物理科学Humanities & Social Sciences人文社科Life Sciences 生命科学3学期标准 £16,995实验室 £18,0454学期(6月入学):标准 £23,320实验室 £24,860(9月入学):标准 £22,660实验室 £23,710本科预科精英班Business 商务学Humanities & Social Sciences人文社科3学期£18,9902020伦敦大学伯贝克学院国际大一课程录取要求:
中国教育背景申请学术要求:完成高三,平均成绩75%(4学期70%)以上;或完成高二,平均分80%(4学期70%)以上, 加上一年的学习证明,平均成绩为60%(4学期55%)
英国教育背景申请学术要求:A Level 64(4学期56)UCAS分或同等学历;完成认可的预科课程;不含母语。
2) 雅思要求
专业方向学制UKVI雅思要求Business, Management & Accounting商务学,管理学3学期5.5 (单科5.0)4学期5.0 (单科4.5)3) 费用和开学期
专业方向学制开学期学费Business, Management & Accounting商务学,管理学3学期09.16-次年6月;01.06-同年08.14£16,9954学期09.16-次年08.14£22,6602020伦敦大学伯贝克学院硕士预科录取要求:
中国教育背景申请学术要求:本科相关背景学位,平均分65%+。如果本科非相关背景学位,平均分70%+。或者 3年认证大专,相关专业,平均分80%+, 如果3年认证大专,非相关专业,平均分85%+。
* 此课程只提供Finance金融学,Management管理学 和International Development国际发展方向
中国教育背景申请学术要求:本科相关背景学位,平均分65%+,如果本科非相关背景学位,平均分: 70%+。或者3年认证大专,相关专业,平均分80%+, 如果3年认证大专,非相关专业,平均分85%+。
英国教育背景申请学术要求:相关专业三等学位;或HND/DipHE 通 过学位;或 预科学位
2) 雅思要求
班型专业方向学制UKVI雅思要求普通硕士预科Business商务学Engineering工程学Humanities & Social Sciences人文社科2学期6.0 (单科6.0)3学期5.5 (单科5.5)4学期5.0 (单科5.0)Life Sciences生命科学2学期6.0 (单科6.0)3学期5.5 (单科5.5)4学期5.0 (单科5.0)硕士预科精英班Finance金融学Management管理学International Development国际发展3学期6.0 (单科5.5)4学期5.5 (单科5.5)3) 课程长度和开学期
班型专业方向学制开学期普通硕士预科Business商务学Engineering工程学Humanities & Social Sciences人文社科2学期01.06-同年06.07;03.23-同年08.143学期09.16-次年06.07;01.06-同年08.144学期06.10-次年06.07;09.16-次年08.14Life Sciences生命科学2学期01.06-同年06.073学期09.16-次年06.07;01.06-同年08.144学期06.10-次年06.0709.16-次年08.14硕士预科精英班Finance金融学Management管理学International Development国际发展3学期09.16-次年06.074学期6月-次年6月4) 课程费用
班型专业方向学制费用普通硕士预科Business商务学Engineering工程学Humanities & Social Sciences 人文社科2学期£11,3303学期£16,9954学期£22,495£22,660Life Sciences生命科学2学期£11,3303学期£16,9954学期£22,495£22,660硕士预科精英班Finance金融学Management管理学International Development国际发展3学期£18,9904学期£24,490以上就是小编整理的2020伦敦大学伯贝克学院预科申请条件的相关资讯,希望对你有所帮助。如果你想申请出国留学,欢迎联系澳际资深顾问。澳际资深顾问将用最专业的知识和多年一线留学服务经历,帮你量身打造留学规划:从专业的选择,到院校的确定,从PS指导,到CV精修,一切留学相关问题统统帮你找到最佳解决方案。澳际祝所有准留学生都能梦想成真!
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