英国留学行前培训:你知道吗 2019年英国这五所大学的这些学科还有补录空位 抓紧时间吧

2020-01-13 作者:井浪花-cj 367阅读

本文标题:英国留学行前培训:你知道吗 2019年英国这五所大学的这些学科还有补录空位 抓紧时间吧,如今留学的人越来越多,不论高中生、大学生还是读研的学生,都想早日去留学接受好的教育,很多同学对2019年英国大学补录空位,英国留学申请,英国研究生留学,海外留学,留学申请,留学网的相关问题有所疑问,下面澳际小编整理了《英国留学行前培训:你知道吗 2019年英国这五所大学的这些学科还有补录空位 抓紧时间吧》,欢迎阅读,如有疑问欢迎联系我们的在线老师,进行一对一答疑。


  Clearing and Adjustment联系方式

  热线:+44 (0)117 456 9830





  Bristol布里斯托大学Clearing目前还有这些专业有空位(部分list) · BSc Accounting and FinanceBSc Accounting and Management

  · BSc Biology

  · BSc Biomedical Sciences

  · BSc Chemistry

  · BEng/MEng Civil Engineering

  · MEngComputer Science with Innovation

  · BSc Criminology

  · BSc Economics

  · BSc Economics and Accounting

  · BSc Economics and Finance

  · BEng/MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering

  · BA Film and Television

  · BSc Management

  · BSc Marketing

  · BEng/MEng Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

  · BEng/MEng Mechanical Engineering

  · BA Music

  · BA Theatre and Film

  · BSc Veterinary Nursing and Bioveterinary Sciences

  · BSc Veterinary Nursing and Companion Animal Behaviour

  · BSc Zoology

  Clearing and Adjustment联系方式

  热线:+44 (0)1225 430202/+44 (0)1225 383019


  Bath巴斯大学Clearing目前还有这些专业有空位(部分list) · BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance – 4 years including placement year

  · BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance – 3 years

  · BSc (Hons) International Management and Modern Languages (French) – 4 years including year abroad

  · BSc (Hons) International Management and Modern Languages (German) – 4 years including year abroad

  · BSc (Hons) International Management and Modern Languages (Spanish) – 4 years including year abroad

  · BEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering – 4 years including placement year

  · BEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering – 3 years

  · MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering – 5 years including placement year

  · MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering – 4 years

  · MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering with Environmental Engineering – 5 years including placement year

  · MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering with Environmental Engineering – 4 years

  · BEng (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering – 4 years including placement year

  · BEng (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering – 3 years

  · MEng (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering – 5 years including placement year

  · MEng (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering – 4 years

  · BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering – 4 years including placement year

  · BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering – 3 years

  · MEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering – 5 years including placement year

  · MEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering – 4 years

  · BSc (Hons) Criminology – 4 years including placement year

  · BSc (Hons) Criminology – 3 years

  · BA (Hons) Education with Psychology – 4 years including placement year

  · BA (Hons) Education with Psychology – 3 years

  · BSc (Hons) International Development with Economics – 4 years including placement year

  · BSc (Hons) International Development with Economics – 3 years

  · BSc (Hons) Politics and International Relations – 4 years including placement year

  · BSc (Hons) Politics and International Relations – 3 years

  · BSc (Hons) Politics with Economics – 4 years including placement year

  · BSc (Hons) Politics with Economics – 3 years

  · BSc (Hons) Sport Management and Coaching – 4 years including placement year

  · BSc (Hons) Sport Management and Coaching – 3 years

  · BSc (Hons) Chemistry – 4 years including placement year

  · BSc (Hons) Chemistry – 4 years including study year abroad

  · BSc (Hons) Chemistry – 3 years

  · BSc (Hons) Pharmacology – 3 years

  · MPharm (Hons) Pharmacy – 4 years

  · BSc (Hons) Physics – 4 years including placement year

  · BSc (Hons) Physics – 4 years including study year abroad

  · BSc (Hons) Physics – 3 years

  Clearing and Adjustment热线:(0044) 01509 274403




  Loughborough拉夫堡大学Clearing目前还有这些专业有空位(部分list) · BSc Accounting and Financial Management with a Placement Year

  · BEng Aeronautical Engineering

  · BEng Aeronautical Engineering with a Placement Year

  · BSc Architectural Engineering and Design Management

  · BSc Architectural Engineering and Design Management with a Placement Year

  · BArch Architecture with a Placement Year

  · Art and Design Foundation Studies UAL Level 3 Diploma in Art and Design - Foundation Studies

  · BEng/MEng Automotive Engineering

  · BEng/MEng Automotive Engineering with a Placement Year

  · BSc Biochemistry

  · BEng/MEng Bioengineering

  · BSc Business Economics and Finance

  · BSc Business Economics and Finance with a Placement Year

  · BEng/MEng Civil Engineering

  · BEng/MEng Civil Engineering with a Placement Year

  · BSc Computer Science

  · BSc Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

  · BSc Economics

  · BSc Economics and Management

  · BSc Economics and Management with a Placement Year

  · BEng/MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering

  · BEng/MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering with a Placement Year

  · BSc Financial Mathematics

  · BSc Financial Mathematics with a Placement Year

  · BA Graphic Communication and Illustration

  · BA Graphic Communication and Illustration with a Placement Year

  · BA Industrial Design and Technology

  · BA Industrial Design and Technology with a Placement Year

  · BSc International Business with a Placement Year

  · BSc Media and Communication

  · BSc Media and Communication with a Placement Year

  · BSc Sport Management

  · BSc Sport Management with a Placement Year

  · BA Textiles: Innovation and Design

  · BA Textiles: Innovation and Design with a Placement Year


  0800 376 1800(英国)

  +44 (0) 203 053 0793(国际)

  MBBS Malta医学专业热线: +44 (0)20 3912 6577


  8月15日周四 7:30-19:00

  8月16日周五 8:00-19:00

  8月17日周六 9:00-14:00

  8月18日周日 休息

  8月19日周一 9:00-17:00

  8月20日周二 9:00-17:00

  QMUL伦敦玛丽女王大学Clearing目前还有这些专业有空位(部分list) · BEng/MEng Aerospace Engineering

  · BEng Aerospace Engineering with Management

  · BSc Biochemistry

  · BSc Biology

  · BEng/MEng Biomedical Engineering

  · BEng/MEng Chemical Engineering

  · BSc Chemistry

  · BSc/MSci Computer Science(少量名额)

  · BSc Computer Science and Mathematics(少量名额)

  · BSc Computer Science with Management (ITMB)(少量名额)

  · BEng Computer Systems Engineering

  · BEng Design, Innovation and Creative Engineering

  · BA Drama

  · BEng/MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering

  · BEng Electronic Engineering

  · BEng/MEng Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications

  · BA Film Studies

  · BSc Genetics

  · BA International Relations

  · LLB Law

  · LLB Law and Politics

  · International Business with a Year Abroad and Integrated Foundation Year

  · BSc Mathematics with Finance and Accounting

  · BSc Mathematics with Actuarial Science

  · BSc Mathematics with Management

  · BEng/MEng Mechanical Engineering

  · BSc Physics with Management

  · BEng/MEng Robotics Engineering

  · BSc Science and Engineering Foundation Programme (Chemistry)

  · BEng/MEng Science and Engineering Foundation Programme (Engineering)

  · BEng/MEng Science and Engineering Foundation Programme (Materials Science)

  · BSc Science and Engineering Foundation Programme (Mathematical Sciences)

  · BSc/MSci Science and Engineering Foundation Programme (Physics)

  · BSc Software Engineering for Business(少量名额)

  · Sustainable Energy EngineeringSustainable Energy Engineering

  · BSc Zoology


  0116 373 6000(英国)

  +44 (0)116 223 1888(国际)


  Leicester莱斯特大学Clearing目前还有这些学科有空位,入学要求也po出来 · Accounting and Finance BCC

  · American Studies CCC

  · Archaeology and Ancient History CCC

  · Biological Sciences BCC

  · Biological Sciences with a Foundation Year CCC

  · Business, Management and Marketing BCC

  · Chemistry BCC

  · Chemistry with a Foundation Year CCD

  · Computer Science BBC

  · Creative Computing BBC

  · Criminology CCC

  · Economics BBC

  · Engineering BCC

  · English BCC

  · Film Studies BCC

  · Geography BCC

  · Geography with a Foundation Year CCD

  · Geology BCC

  · Geology with a Foundation Year CCD

  · History BCC

  · History of Art BCC

  · Journalism BCC

  · Law BBB

  · Mathematics BBC

  · Media and Communication BCC

  · Medicine Foundation Year BBB

  · Midwifery with Leadership BCC

  · Modern Languages BCC

  · Natural Sciences BCC

  · Natural Sciences with a Foundation Year CCD

  · Nursing with Leadership BCC

  · Operating Department Practice BCC

  · Physics BBC

  · Physiotherapy BBB

  · Politics and International Relations BCC

  · Psychology BCC

  · Sociology CCC

  · STEM Foundation Year CCD




通过上述内容讲解,希望能帮助同学们更好的了解英国留学行前培训:你知道吗 2019年英国这五所大学的这些学科还有补录空位 抓紧时间吧最新动态。想要咨询更多最新英国留学行前培训:你知道吗 2019年英国这五所大学的这些学科还有补录空位 抓紧时间吧留学相关问题,可随时咨询我们专业的出国留学高级顾问老师。温馨提示:了解最新出国留学动态,也可以扫描下方二维码直接添加海外顾问老师微信。

以上就是有关英国留学行前培训:你知道吗 2019年英国这五所大学的这些学科还有补录空位 抓紧时间吧的相关内容介绍,希望对您有所帮助,对此如果还有什么想要了解的,可以关注澳际留学网相关资讯或咨询专业的顾问老师。

大多数用户曾经通过搜索:英国留学行前培训:你知道吗 2019年英国这五所大学的这些学科还有补录空位 抓紧时间吧到本页,内容来自互联网不代表本网观点,如果本网转载的稿件涉及您的版权请发邮件至gaozichang@aoji.cn,我们将第一时间本网将依照国家相关法律法规尽快妥善处理


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