2020-01-06 752阅读
本文标题:英国留学申请条件:2020年九月巴斯大学本科申请条件详解 4大语言等你你属于哪个档次,如今留学的人越来越多,不论高中生、大学生还是读研的学生,都想早日去留学接受好的教育,很多同学对2020年九月巴斯大学本科申请条件,英国留学申请,英国研究生留学,海外留学,留学申请,留学网的相关问题有所疑问,下面澳际小编整理了《英国留学申请条件:2020年九月巴斯大学本科申请条件详解 4大语言等你你属于哪个档次》,欢迎阅读,如有疑问欢迎联系我们的在线老师,进行一对一答疑。
2020年九月巴斯大学本科申请条件: 学术要求: 参加A-level考试或国际课程考试,或高中毕业,完成一年的国际预科学习。 语言要求: 不同项目语言要求不同,具体分为四个等级: Category AQualificationRequirementCambridge English: Advanced (CAE)193 with no less than 184 in all elementsCambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)193 with no less than 184 in all elementsIELTS7.0 overall with no less than 7.0 in all componentsPearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic)69 with no less than 69 in any elementTOEFL IBT100 overall with a minimum 27 in all 4 componentsTrinity ISE7.0 overall with 7.0 in all four components – ISE III distinction in Writing and one other component and Merit in two components Category BQualificationRequirementCambridge English: Advanced (CAE)193 with no less than 175 in all elementsCambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)193 with no less than 175 in all elementsGCSE English Language or English LiteratureGrade C or GCSE Grade 4 (new scheme)IELTS7.0 overall with no less than 6.5 in all componentsIGCSE 1st English Language or English LiteratureGrade CPearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic)69 with no less than 62 in any elementTOEFL IBT100 overall with a minimum 24 in all 4 components Category CQualificationRequirementCambridge English: Advanced (CAE)184 with no less than 175 in all elementsCambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)184 with no less than 175 in all elementsIELTS6.5 overall with no less than 6.0 in all componentsPearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic)62 with no less than 59 in any elementTOEFL IBT90 overall with a minimum 21 in all 4 componentsTrinity ISE6.5 overall with 6.5 in all four components – ISE III with Pass in all four components Category DQualificationRequirementCambridge English: Advanced (CAE)170 with no less than 165 in all elementsCambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)170 with no less than 165 in all elementsGCSE English Language or English LiteratureGrade C or GCSE Grade 6 (new scheme)IELTS6.0 overall with no less than 5.5 in all componentsIGCSE 1st English Language or English LiteratureGrade CPearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic)58 with no less than 55 in any elementTOEFL IBT87 overall with a minimum 19 in all 4 components
2020年CUG完全大学指南巴斯大学排名第9 1、剑桥大学 University of Cambridge 2、牛津大学 University of Oxford 3、圣安德鲁斯大学 University of St Andrews 4、伦敦政经学院 the London School of Economics and Political Science 5、帝国理工学院 Imperial College London 6、杜伦大学 Durham University 7、兰卡斯特大学 Lancaster University 8、拉夫堡大学 Loughborough University 9、巴斯大学 University of Bath 10、伦敦大学学院 University College London 11、埃克塞特大学 The University of Exeter 12、华威大学 The University of Warwick 13、伯明翰大学 University of Birmingham 14、利兹大学 The University of Leeds 15、曼彻斯特大学 The University of Manchester
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以上就是有关英国留学申请条件:2020年九月巴斯大学本科申请条件详解 4大语言等你你属于哪个档次的相关内容介绍,希望对您有所帮助,对此如果还有什么想要了解的,可以关注澳际留学网相关资讯或咨询专业的顾问老师。
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