英国留学申请条件:2019英国雷丁大学本科补录300+专业清单 这些好专业等你捡漏!

2020-01-03 作者:井浪花-cj 363阅读

本文标题:英国留学申请条件:2019英国雷丁大学本科补录300+专业清单 这些好专业等你捡漏!,如今留学的人越来越多,不论高中生、大学生还是读研的学生,都想早日去留学接受好的教育,很多同学对2019英国雷丁大学本科补录专业,英国留学申请,英国研究生留学,海外留学,留学申请,留学网的相关问题有所疑问,下面澳际小编整理了《英国留学申请条件:2019英国雷丁大学本科补录300+专业清单 这些好专业等你捡漏!》,欢迎阅读,如有疑问欢迎联系我们的在线老师,进行一对一答疑。



  Foundation Certificate - Fd cert

  Accounting and Finance

  Accounting and Management

  Accounting and Management With Placement Experience

  Agricultural Business Management

  Agricultural Business Management with Placement Year


  Agriculture with Foundation

  Agriculture with Placement Year

  Ancient History

  Ancient History and Archaeology

  Ancient History and Archaeology with Placement and Study Abroad

  Ancient History and Archaeology with Professional Placement

  Ancient History and Archaeology with Study Year Abroad

  Ancient History and History

  Animal Science

  Animal Science with Foundation

  Animal Science with Placement Year

  Archaeological Science

  Archaeological Science with Placement and Study Abroad

  Archaeological Science with Professional Placement

  Archaeological Science with Study Year Abroad


  Archaeology and Classical Studies

  Archaeology and Classical Studies with Placement and Study Abroad

  Archaeology and Classical Studies with Professional Placement

  Archaeology and Classical Studies with Study Year Abroad

  Archaeology and History

  Archaeology and History with Placement and Study Abroad

  Archaeology and History with Professional Placement

  Archaeology and History with Study Year Abroad

  Archaeology with Placement and Study Abroad

  Archaeology with Professional Placement

  Archaeology with Study Year Abroad



  Art and Creative Writing

  Art and English Literature

  Art and Film

  Art and Film and Theatre

  Art and History of Art

  Art and Philosophy

  Art and Psychology

  Art and Theatre


  Biochemistry with Foundation

  Biochemistry with Professional Experience

  Biological Sciences

  Biological Sciences with Foundation

  Biological Sciences with Professional Experience

  Biomedical Engineering

  Biomedical Engineering

  Biomedical Sciences

  Biomedical Sciences with Foundation

  Biomedical Sciences with Professional Experience

  Building Surveying

  Business and Management

  Business and Management with Placement Year

  Business Economics

  Business Economics with Placement Year


  Chemistry with a Year in Industry or Research

  Chemistry with Foundation

  Children's Development and Learning

  Foundation Degree in Education - FdEd

  Children's Development and Learning

  Children's Development and Learning

  Foundation Degree in Education - FdEd

  Children's Development and Learning

  Foundation Degree in Education - FdEd

  Children's Development and Learning

  Foundation Degree in Education - FdEd

  Children's Development and Learning

  Foundation Degree in Education - FdEd

  Classical and Medieval Studies

  Classical Studies

  Classical Studies and English Literature


  Computer Science

  Computer Science with Industrial Year

  Construction Management

  Construction Management and Surveying

  Consumer Behaviour and Marketing

  Consumer Behaviour and Marketing with Placement Year

  Creative Writing and Film

  Creative Writing and Film and Theatre

  Creative Writing and Theatre

  Ecology and Wildlife Conservation

  Ecology and Wildlife Conservation with Foundation

  Ecology and Wildlife Conservation with Professional Experience



  Economics and Econometrics

  Economics and Econometrics with Placement Year

  Economics and Finance

  Economics with Placement Year

  Economics with Placement Year

  Education Studies

  English and Comparative Literature

  English Language and Linguistics

  English Language and Literature

  English Literature

  English Literature and Film

  English Literature and Film & Theatre

  English Literature and German

  English Literature and International Relations

  English Literature and Italian

  English Literature and Politics

  English Literature and Theatre

  English Literature with Creative Writing

  English Literature with French


  Entrepreneurship and Management

  Entrepreneurship and Management with Placement Experience

  Entrepreneurship with placement experience

  Environmental Management

  Environmental Management with Foundation

  Environmental Management with Placement Year

  Environmental Science

  Environmental Science

  Master of Environmental Science - MEnvSci

  Environmental Science with Professional Experience

  Environmental Science with Professional Experience

  Master of Environmental Science - MEnvSci

  Ethics, Value and Philosophy


  Film and Theatre

  Finance and Investment Banking

  Finance and Management with the University of Venice

  Fine Art

  Food Marketing and Business Economics

  Food Marketing and Business Economics with Placement Year

  Food Science

  Food Science with Business

  Food Science with Business with a Year in Industry

  Food Science with Foundation

  Food Science with Industrial Training

  Food Technology with Bio Processing

  Food Technology with Bio-Processing with Industrial Training


  French and Economics

  French and English Literature

  French and German

  French and History

  French and International Relations

  French and Italian

  French and Management Studies

  French and Spanish

  French Studies and Comparative Literature

  French Studies and English Language

  Geography and Archaeology

  Geography and Archaeology with Placement and Study Abroad

  Geography and Archaeology with Professional Placement

  Geography and Archaeology with Study Year Abroad


  German and Economics

  German and History

  German and International Relations

  German and Italian

  German and Management Studies

  German and Spanish

  German Studies and Comparative Literature

  German Studies and English Language

  Graphic Communication


  History and Economics

  History and English Literature

  History and International Relations

  History and Philosophy

  History and Politics

  International Business and Finance

  International Business and Management

  International Development

  International Development with Placement Year

  Foundation Certificate - Fd cert

  Foundation Certificate - Fd cert

  Foundation Certificate - Fd cert

  International Management and Business Administration with French

  International Management and Business Administration with German

  International Management and Business Administration with Italian

  International Management and Business Administration with Spanish

  International Relations and Economics

  International Relations and Economics with Placement Year

  Investment and Finance in Property


  Italian and Classical Studies

  Italian and Economics

  Italian and History

  Italian and International Relations

  Italian and Management Studies

  Italian and Spanish

  Italian Studies and Comparative Literature

  Italian Studies and English Language


  Law with International Foundation Year

  Management with Information Technology


  Master of Mathematics - MMath

  Master of Mathematics - MMath

  Mathematics and Economics

  Mathematics and Economics with a Placement Year

  Mathematics and Meteorology

  Master of Mathematics - MMath

  Master of Mathematics - MMath

  Mathematics and Meteorology with a Placement Year

  Mathematics and Psychology

  Mathematics and Psychology with a Placement Year

  Mathematics and Statistics

  Mathematics and Statistics with a Placement Year

  Mathematics with a Placement Year

  Mathematics with Computer Science

  Mathematics with Computer Science with Placement Year

  Mathematics with Finance and Investment Banking

  Mathematics with Finance and Investment Banking with a Placement Year

  Meteorology and Climate

  Meteorology and Climate and a year in Oklahoma

  Master of Meteorology - MMet


  Microbiology with Foundation

  Microbiology with Professional Experience

  Museum and Classical Studies

  Museum Studies and Archaeology

  Museum Studies and Archaeology with Placement and Study Abroad

  Museum Studies and Archaeology with Professional Placement

  Museum Studies and Archaeology with Study Year Abroad

  Nutrition and Food Science

  Nutrition and Food Science with Professional Training

  Nutrition with Food Consumer Sciences

  Nutrition with Food Consumer Sciences with Professional Training

  Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  Pharmaceutical Chemistry with a Year in Industry/Research

  Pharmaceutical Chemistry with Foundation


  Pharmacy with Foundation


  Philosophy and Classical Studies

  Philosophy and English Literature

  Philosophy and International Relations

  Philosophy and Politics

  Philosophy, Politics and Economics

  Physics of the Environment

  Physics of the Environment with Placement Year

  Politics and Economics

  Politics and Economics with Placement Year

  Politics and International Relations

  Politics and International Relations with Placement Year

  Primary Education

  Bachelor of Arts - BA

  Primary Education with Art

  Primary Education with English

  Primary Education with Mathematics

  Primary Education with Music


  Psychology and Language Sciences

  Psychology and Philosophy

  Psychology with Neuroscience

  Psychology with Professional Placement

  Quantity Surveying

  Real Estate

  Real Estate with MSc/Diploma in Urban Planning and Development


  Spanish and Economics

  Spanish and English Literature

  Spanish and History

  Spanish and International Development

  Spanish and International Relations

  Spanish and Management Studies

  Spanish Studies and Comparative Literature

  Spanish Studies and English Language

  Speech and Language Therapy

  Master of Science - MSci


  War, Peace and International Relations

  War, Peace and International Relations with Placement Year


  Zoology with Foundation

  Zoology with Professional Experience



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以上就是有关英国留学申请条件:2019英国雷丁大学本科补录300+专业清单 这些好专业等你捡漏!的相关内容介绍,希望对您有所帮助,对此如果还有什么想要了解的,可以关注澳际留学网相关资讯或咨询专业的顾问老师。

大多数用户曾经通过搜索:英国留学申请条件:2019英国雷丁大学本科补录300+专业清单 这些好专业等你捡漏!到本页,内容来自互联网不代表本网观点,如果本网转载的稿件涉及您的版权请发邮件至gaozichang@aoji.cn,我们将第一时间本网将依照国家相关法律法规尽快妥善处理


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