
2019-12-05 作者:井浪花-cj 772阅读







  President Larry Bacow, fellows of the Cooperation, members of the Board of Overseers, members of the Alumni Board, members of the faculty, proud parents and graduates. Today is the day of joy, its your day, many congratulations.

  I am delighted to be here today and would like to tell you about some of my own experiences. This ceremony marks the end of the intensive and probably also hardship in your lives. Now the door towards your life is opening. That's exciting and inspiring. The Germany writer, Hermann Hesse has some wonderful words for such situation in life. I'd like to quote him and then continue in my native language.

  I grew up in east Germany and the GDR, the part of my country that was not free and under dictatorship. People were oppressed and under surveillance. Political dissidents were persecuted.

  The east Germany government was afraid of people would flee to freedom. And that's why it built the Berlin Wall. A wall made of concrete and steel. Anyone caught trying to overcome it was arrested or shot dead. This wall which cut Berlin in half, divided people and divided families. My family was also divided.

  My first job after college was as a physicist at the Academy of Sciences in east Berlin. I lived near the Berlin Wall. I walked towards it everyday on my way home to my institute. Behind it, laid west Berlin.Freedom.

  And everyday, when I was very close to the wall, I had to turn away at the last minute in order to head towards my apartment. Everyday I had to turn away from freedom at the last minute. I don’t know how often I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, it was so frustrating. I was not a dissident. I didn't run up and ban against the wall. Nor, however, did I ever denied its existence for? I didn't want to lie to myself.

  The Berlin wall limited my opportunities, it quite literally stood in my way. However, there was one thing which this wall couldn't do during all of those years. It couldn't impose limits on my inner thoughts. My personality, my imaginations, my dreams and desires, prohibitions and coercions couldn't limit any of that.

  During these months 30 years ago, I experienced firsthand that nothing has to stay the way it is. This experience, dear graduates, is the first thought I want to share with you today for your future.

  Anything that seems to be set in stone or inalterable can indeed change. It matters both large and small, it holds through that every change begins in the mind.

  My parents generation discovers this in the most painful way. My father and mother were born in 1926 and 1928. When they were as old as most of you here today, the betrayal of all civilized values that was shown up and World War II had just ended.

  My country Germany had brought unimaginable suffering on Europe and the world. The victors and defeated could easily have remained irreconcilable for many years. But instead, Europe overcame centuries over conflicts. A peaceful order based on common values rather than supposed national strength emerged.

  Despite all the discussions and contemporary setbacks, I firmly believed that we Europeans have united for the better. And the relationship between Germans and Americans too demonstrates former wartime enemies can become friends.

  It wasGeorge C. Marshall, who gave a crucial contribution to this for the plan he announced at the commencement ceremony in 1947, in this very place.

  The transatlantic partnership based on values such as democracy and human rights, has given us an era of peace and prosperity that has benefited all sides which was lasted for more than 70 years now. And today, it would not be long now before the politicians of my generation are no longer the subject of the exercising leadership program, and at most we would be done within leadership in history.

  Harvard class of 2019, your generation would be face with the challenges of the 21 century in the coming decades. You are among those would lead us into the future.

  Protectionism and trade conflicts jeopardize free international trade and therefore lost the very foundation of our prosperity. The digital transformation affacts all facets of our lives. Wars and terrorism lead to displacement and forced migration. Climate change poses a threat to our planet’s natural resources. It and the resulting crisis are caused by humans.

  Therefore, we can and must do everything humanly possible to master this challenge to humankind. It is still possible, however each and everyone of us must play a part. And I said this with measure also with criticism get better.

  I will therefore to do everything in my power to ensure my country Germany will achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

  Changes for the better are possible if we tackle them together. If we want to go it alone, we could not achieve much.

  The second thought I want to share with you is therefore, more than ever, our way of thinking and actions have to be multilateral rather than unilateral, global rather than national, outward looking rather than isolationist. In short, we have to work together rather than alone.

  You dear graduates would have quite different opportunities to do this in future than my generation did. After all, your smart phone probably has considerably more processing power than the copy of the IBM main frame computer manufactured in the Soviet Union, which I was allowed to use for my dissertation in east Germany in 1986.

  Today we use artificial intelligence, for example, to search the millions of images for symptoms of diseases in order among other things to better diagnose cancer.

  In future, a perceptive robot could help doctors and nurses to focus on the individual needs of patients. We cannot predict today which applications would be possible. However, the opportunities it brings are truly breathtaking.

  Class of 2019, how we use these opportunities would be largely up to you as a graduate. You are the ones who will be involved in deciding how our approach to how we work, communicate, get about indeed our entire way of life we develop.






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