
2017-08-14 作者: 193阅读


  In medieval times, getting caught scribbling withone's lt hand could earn accusations of beingpossessed and, during the Spanish Inquisition, ltieswere more likely to be tortured or killed. In fact, theaversion touched many cultures, from the long-standing taboo in Islamic countries against eatingand drinking with one’s lt hand, to theexpectation in ancient Japan that any wife whodidn’t favour her right could be legally divorced onthe spot, no questions asked. So why do we favour a finger on a cursed hand to symboliselasting love?


  Past perception wasn't all bad. The union between marriage and the now-standard ringplacement can be traced back to second-century Egyptians who falsely believed that “a certainmost delicate nerve” began in the fourth lt finger and stretched directly to the heart, according to the Greek scholar Appian. Centuries later, the Romans came to a similarconclusion. In place of a nerve, they were convinced that a vena amoris—or “lover’svein”—connected this digit with the blood-pumping organ.


  During the Roman engagement process, a well-off suitor who could afford a ring would slip itover his bride-to-be’s fourth finger. Thus, he’d always have a symbolic grip around her lover’svein. The modern world may have adopted that practice from the Romans.


  Still, others argue that reverence for the fourth finger begun as an early Christian ritual. While crossing themselves in an Orthodox Church, worshippers are expected to join the thumbwith the index and middle fingers. Historians contend that the group represented the father, son, and Holy Ghost when placed together, while the “ring” finger signified earthly love, making it the perfect location for a spouse’s wedding ring.


  Until the seventeenth century, Orthodox couples normally wore their rings on the right hand (anextremity that’s associated with strength) and most Europeans of all faiths followed suit. Butduring the Rormation in 1549, an English Bishop and Protestant rormer named ThomasCranmer used wedding rings as a way to break from tradition. That year, he published The Bookof Common Prayer, which instructs couples to ditch a centuries-old practice in favour of slippingtheir wedding rings over the lt fourth finger. Bore long, husbands and wives throughout thecontinent were doing so.



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