2017-12-13 1304阅读
The kanji "kin", meaning gold or money, was pickedas the Chinese character best symbolizing this year'ssocial mood in Japan, the Japan Kanji AptitudeTesting Foundation said last Monday.
The selection came after Japan won 12 gold medalsat the Rio Olympics and former Tokyo Gov YoichiMasuzoe resigned in June over a political fundsscandal.
It is the third time "kin" has been chosen as the year's kanji after 2000 and 2012.
The selection of the word was based on votes cast by the general public.
Among a total of 153,562 entries received this year, "kin" ranked first with 6,655 entries, according to the foundation.
The kanji that placed second was "sen", meaning selection, following the US presidentialelection and Britain's decision in a rerendum to leave the European Union.
The kanji "hen", meaning change, took the third spot, rlecting changes in the global situationand a series of natural disasters such as earthquakes in Kumamoto and Tottori prectures.
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