
2017-08-14 作者: 190阅读

  Hate doing laundry? Shin Sakane has a solution.

  不喜欢洗衣服?Shin Sakane 有一个解决方法。

  The Japanese inventor received 6 billion yen ($53 million) from partners, including Panasonic Corp., last month to advance “the Laundroid” – a robot Sakane is developing to not only wash and dry garments, but also sort, fold and neatly arrange them. The device could fill the roles of washing machine, dryer and clothes drawer in people’s homes.

  上个月,这位日本的发明家在松下电器等合作伙伴那里获得了60 亿日元(5300万美元)的投资,用于Sakane 正在研发的“the Laundroid”机器人——它不仅可以洗衣服、熨衣服,还能分类、折叠并整齐地收纳衣服。该设备可以在人们家中胜任洗衣机、烘干机和衣橱的角色。

  Sakane, whose earlier inventions include an anti-snoring device and golf clubs made of space materials, said the funding will bring closer his dream. Among his inspirations for the project is the 1968 Stanley Kubrick sci-fi classic “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

  Sakane以前的发明包括一款止鼾器和一个使用太空材料制作的高尔夫球杆,他说这些投资使他距离自己的梦想又近了一步。他的灵感来源于1968 年斯坦利.库布里克拍摄的著名科幻电影《2001:太空漫步》。

  While the full product is slated for release in 2019, an early version that can only sort and fold clothing goes on sale worldwide in March.

  完整版产品将于 2019 年发布,但是明年三月会在全球上市销售一款只能分类并折叠衣服的早期版产品。

  The goal is to eventually get the price of the full version to less than about 300,000 yen ($2,700). The model going on sale in March will probably cost significantly more due to higher initial production costs.

  Sakane 的目标是最后能生产出一台售价不高于30万日元(2700 美元)的完整版产品。明年三月份上市的产品售价可能很高,因为初始的生产成本较高。

  “We decided that by combining Panasonic’s washing and drying machine technology and 7D’s folding technology, it is possible to bring an all-in-one product to the market,” said Kyoko Ishii, a spokeswoman for Osaka-based Panasonic.


  Users will still have to do some tasks, such as partially buttoning shirts, ensuring clothes aren’t inside out.


  Each item takes about 10 minutes to fold, which Sakane attributed to the time necessary to scan each part of the clothing and communicate via Wi-Fi with a central server. He is working to get it down to 3-to-5 minutes.

  Laundroid 折叠每件衣服需要十分钟,Sakane解释这是因为它需要扫描衣服的各个部分,并且通过 Wi-Fi 与中心服务器沟通。他正在努力将时间缩短至3-5分钟之内。


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