
2017-08-14 作者: 243阅读

  With the new live-action version of Disney's Beautyand the Beast hitting screens on March 17, thedebate over whether Belle is trapped in an abusiverelationship with Beast has been reignited.


  Emma Watson, who stars as the heroine, said it's aconcern she studied bore signing on.


  In her interview with Entertainment Weekly for ournew cover story, she said she doesn't think the criticism fits — at least not this version of theage-old folk tale.


  "It's such a good question and it's something I really grappled with at the beginning; the kindof Stockholm Syndrome question about this story," she says.


  "That's where a prisoner will take on the characteristics of and fall in love with the captor. Belle actively argues and disagrees with Beast constantly. She has none of the characteristicsof someone with Stockholm Syndrome because she keeps her independence, she keeps thatfreedom of thought."


  Belle is literally imprisoned by the monster early at the film, a sacrifice she willingly makes tospare her father. But Watson points out that the heroine fights back and tries relentlessly toescape.


  Only after Beast demonstrates a buried decency and unexpected kindness on his own doesBelle begin to change her mind about him.


  Watson says, "I think that's the other beautiful thing about the love story. They form afriendship first and that gap in the middle where there is this genuine sharing, the love buildsout of that, which in many ways I actually think is more meaningful than a lot of love stories, where it was love at first sight."



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