【新词新意】网怒 web rage.

2017-08-14 作者: 324阅读


  If you&aposre a regular Internet user, have you ever felt a mounting sense of tension during what seems like an interminable wait for a web page to load? If so, calm down, you could be on the point of succumbing to a bout of web rage!


  According to a recent survey of 1,600 Internet users in the UK, web rage is on the increase, causing short-temperedness and even physical aggression – not necessarily thumping the nearest person, but frustrated bashing of keyboards and over-zealous mouse-clicking!


  The top cause of web rage is the frustration of slow-loading web pages, but among other sources of irritation are images that don&apost load, websites that require specific software to run, requests for personal details bore being allowed into a site, and &aposhelp&apos buttons which don&apost really &aposhelp&apos.


  Research reveals that Internet users are not generally prepared to wait for more than a minute for a site to load, and will usually go to an alternative site if they feel they&aposre waiting too long. This means that web rage could have an important influence in business – with so many choices available on the Internet, consumers will quickly dismiss a site and switch to another if the first one they choose fails to perform according to their expectations.



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