
2017-08-14 作者: 174阅读

  With so much bad news in the workplace,gallows humor is making a comeback.


  Even President Obama used it recently. In a March “60 Minutes” interview, he chuckled when discussing the dire state of parts of the economy.“I just want to say that the only thing less popular than putting money into banks is putting money into the auto industry,” he said with a laugh, the AP reported.

  甚至连奥巴马总统也不能免俗。今年3月,他接受“60分钟”(60 Minutes)节目采访时谈到了美国部分经济领域的困难状况。据美联社报导,奥巴马笑着说,我想说的是比向银行注入资金还不受欢迎的一件事就是向汽车业注资了。

  Interviewer Steve Kroft asked how that laughter might be perceived, given the economy&aposs troubles.“There&aposs got to be a little gallows humor to get you through the day,” Mr. Obama said.

  负责采访的克罗夫特(Steve Kroft)问,在到当前的经济困境之下,这有什么好笑的。奥巴马说,总得有点儿黑色幽默让人们撑下去。

  It may seem like a mistake, or at least in poor taste, to find humor in such dark times. Some co-workers may disprove. But psychologists say that gallows humor can be an important way to relieve stress.


  “Humor makes you feel in control and it can give you that feeling that everything is okay even when it&aposs not,” says James M. Jones, a psychology professor at the University of Delaware.

  特拉华大学(University of Delaware)心理学教授琼斯(James M. Jones)说,幽默令你觉得自己掌控着局面,并让你觉得一切都没问题,即使实情并非如此。

  Psychologists say that just because you&aposre laughing doesn&apost mean you&aposre wasting time. You&aposre actually making yourself─and those around you─better employees. Occasional teasing and banter among colleagues, particularly if it revolves around things associated with the job, can boost creativity, departmental cohesiveness and performance, they say.


  “There are a lot of stressors out there,” says Ed Dunkelblau, a psychologist and corporate consultant with the Institute for Emotionally Intelligent Learning in Chicago. “Humor is a way of making difficult things a little less difficult.”

  芝加哥的情绪智商研究院心理学家、企业顾问Ed Dunkelblau说,现在存在着许多让人紧张的因素,幽默是令麻烦事变得不那么烦的一种方式。

  This is as long as the humor is used for the right purpose. The main point of it should be motivating people─not mocking them. “Anything that would lift morale in terms of the company would be good humor,” says Thierry Guedj, a professor of business and psychology at Boston University.“Bore you say or do anything, think about,‘How is this helping my employees&apos morale?’Unlike when Michael Scott makes jokes on ‘The Office’ (‘He gets people demotivated,&apos Dr. Guedj says), you want to boost the staff&aposs confidence and increase its solidarity.”

  只要幽默用对了地方就能达到这样的效果。其重点应当在于给人以激励,而不是嘲笑。波士顿大学商务和心理学教授Thierry Guedj说,只要能提升公司的士气,那就是好的幽默。在你说或做任何事之前,想想“这样对员工的士气有什么帮助?不要像斯科特(Michael Scott)在情景剧《办公室的故事》(The Office)里开玩笑那样(Guedj说,他就是在给其他人泄气),而应当提高员工的信心、增进团结。

  You want to give your employees and co-workers a sense of belonging, so don&apost make observations that are aggressive, sarcastic or alienating. &aposAvoid anything that stereotypes people,&apos Dr. Guedj says. Most obviously, he says, don&apost make comments about people&aposs ethnicity, physical appearance, sexual prerence or faith. An easy check for what to do or say in murkier territory: If you have any doubt it&aposs appropriate, don&apost go through with it.


  Or take aim at the one person you know won&apost be offended: Yourself. “If there&aposs going to be a butt to a joke or story, it should be you,” Mr. Dunkelblau says. For example, if you&aposre a marketing manager reviewing a failed campaign you authorized, begin with a line like,“The guy who signed off on this deal might just be looking for work next week.”That&aposs gallows-humor gold.


  “People with the ability to laugh at themselves can give other people permission to laugh at themselves too,” Mr. Jones says.“And if you can laugh at yourself, you feel better about yourself.”



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