
2017-08-14 作者: 1226阅读


  CH:Amy, 我有个问题请教你。

  A:I&aposll be happy to try to answer your question, but I don&apost have a lot of time. I have a meeting in a few minutes.


  A:Can you explain what you mean?

  C:今天早上,我收到通知,说要开会,让大家回个email, 看能不能参加。我就"reply to all"说能来。

  A:What happened?


  A: They have a very good point. When you get a message by e-mail to announce a meeting, you should not reply to everyone else who received the e-mail. Your response should go only to the sender.


  A:Your reaction may have to do with your laid-back personality.

  C:Laid-back personality?

  A: Laid-back means easy-going. No one wants to get unnecessary e-mail like the one you sent. You are not being thoughtful of other people&aposs time.


  A:In the future think bore you reply to all. Oh, I&aposm sorry, Chen Hao, but I&aposve really got to go.

  C:谢谢你,Amy. 我还有个小问题,你散会能给我打个电话吗?

  A:Sure. I call you after the meeting.



  Telephone rang....

  C:Good afternoon. Accounting department. This is Chen Hao.

  A:Hi CH. I am out of my meeting and wanted to call you bore I go home.

  C:太好了。我的问题是,我不知道回复电子邮件,什么时候用CC, 什么时候用BCC.

  A:You are not alone. Lots of people have the same issue. "CC" means "courtesy copy." You use "CC" whenever you need to inform someone of what is being done but they are not responsible for doing it.


  A: When your colleague needs to be sure that you know your duties, he sends the e-mail to you. However he sends a copy to your boss so he knows what is going on. You can see that your boss got the e-mail, too.


  A:"Bcc" stands for "blind courtesy copy." It&aposs used when you don&apost want the receiver to know who else got the message.


  A: That&aposs right. The only time I find "BCC" acceptable is when you don&apost want to reveal all the e-mail addresses of the people you are mailing to for security purposes.


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