
2017-08-14 作者: 381阅读


  Although common sense dictatesa graculexit when you&aposre leaving a company, there are always going to be some who slip up. Staffing agency Office Team recently conducted a survey among more than 1,300 employers who divulgedsome of the strangest reasons former employees have given them when resigning from their jobs. Here are a couple of doozies:


  ·"A guy said he was making too much money and didn&apost feel he was worth it."


  ·"The worker told us he just couldn&apost get up in the morning."


  ·"He quit because he didn&apost like the way the office smelled."


  ·"An individual did not like the sound of file cabinetsbeing slammed."


  ·"One person quit to watch a soccer tournament."


  ·"We had someone leave because he had to stay home to feed his dog."


  ·"An employee lt because he wanted to watch a movie with his girlfriend during work hours."


  ·"A person quit because he hated the carpet."


  ·"He just walked out without a peep. We have no idea why he lt, and we were not able to contact him."


  ·"One worker lt to become an apple farmer."


  ·"A staff member quit to climb Mount Everest."


  ·"There was an individual who lt to play the trombone."


  ·"Someone lt because her boss lost the dog she had given him."


  ·"Our employee said he was joining the circus."


  ·"One person lt because she lost her cell phone too many times at work."


  ·"An employee said it was his routine to change jobs every six months."


  Although you may be tempted to leave a job in a manner of your choosing (especially if you harbor negative feelings), it&aposs best to reconsider your approach.


  "How you leave a job can be just as important as what you did while you were there," said Robert Hosking, executive director of Office Team. "Regardless of the reason for resigning, making a gracul exit by tying up loose ends and thanking colleagues shows your professionalism and can help you down the road in your career."

  “辞职的理由就跟你从事过的工作一样重要,” 办公室团队的执行董事罗伯特·霍斯金这样说道。“不说辞职原因,就说做好善终工作体面离职和跟同事道谢,这两件事都能体现出你的职业精神,并能帮你铺平职业道路。”


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