2017-08-14 443阅读
星期一综合症指在星期一上班时,总出现疲倦、头晕、胸闷、腹胀、食欲不振、周身酸痛、注意力不集中等症状。 由于在双休日过分耗费体力处理工作之外的事情,待到双休日过后的星期一,人们必须又要全身心重新投入于工作和学习,难免出现或多或少的不适应,这即是所谓的“星期一综合症”。下面四条建议教你克服周一综合症。
If you work a typical 9-5 job, you’re almost guaranteed to hate Mondays, which makes sense being as how it’s the day you have to come back to work after a relaxing weekend. But you don’t have to be miserable at the start of every week, especially if you follow these four great tips to ensuring you have a better Monday.
One of the biggest changes you need to make if you want to stop hating Mondays is to stop complaining about the day with your co-workers. You may think you’re creating some solidarity with those in your office, but really all you’re doing is perpetuating misery.
Granted, for some of us, even a great Monday is still worse than all the other days of the week, but no matter what you do, Mondays will still be there, so you may as well make them as pleasant as possible.
You hear a faint buzzing in the background and realize you are not dreaming. That is the sound of your alarm going off. And, to make matters worse, it is Monday. Monday = weekend playtime is over. That alone can put anyone in a funk.
But in truth, you don’t have to dread Mondays. The start of a new week can be a pleasant one with our tips to make Monday a great one…and we aren’t pulling your arm.
1. Make it Special
Give your Monday’s meaning by making the day mean more than the end of your free time. Start a Monday trend , make it the day you get to watch your favorite show or eat dessert. The day will be much more enjoyable when you have something to look forward to in conjunction with the day of Mon.
2. Quit Griping
Everyone complains that the weekend is over and (big boo) it is Monday. The fact of the matter is that complaining won’t do any good. Monday’s are, unfortunately, inevitable. But your day will be much more pleasant if you cut off the constant stream of complaining. Try letting the negativity go and Monday will be just another day!
3. Slow it Down
A lot of people dislike Mondays because it means they have a bunch of projects to accomplish on the first day of the week. Out suggestion: slow it down. Pushing the pause button so that your day isn’t so frantic will help you stay cool, calm and collected all the way until Friday.
4. Make a Done List
What things did you complete on your Monday? Did you learn something new? Did you experience something special? Write it down! If you have something to show for yourself on Monday then the day can feel like an opportunity instead of a downer.
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