
2017-08-14 作者: 178阅读

  Swedish Princess Madeleine fell in love in the Big Apple. Now she has said "yes" to New York banker Christopher O&aposNeill in a lavish and emotional wedding ceremony in Stockholm.


  Madeleine, 30, was wearing a stunning silk organza dress with a lace top and four-meter (13-foot) trail, designed by Valentino Garavani, when she tied the knot with British-American O&aposNeill on Saturday. Around 470 European royals, top New York socialites and celebrities were in attendance.

  婚礼上,现年30岁的玛德琳身穿加拉瓦尼(Walentino Garavani)亲自设计的华美丝质婚纱与英裔美国人欧尼尔喜结连理,公主的婚纱上部缀有蕾丝,拖尾长达4米(约合13英尺)。约470位欧洲皇室成员、纽约各界名流出席了结婚庆典。


  The 38-year-old O&aposNeill fought back tears as the princess walked down the aisle with her father, King Carl XVI Gustaf, to a traditional Swedish wedding march performed by a children&aposs choir. The bride and groom were visibly moved as the ceremony proceeded with hymns in both Swedish and English, and performances by Roxette singer Marie Fredriksson and Broadway&aposs "Phantom of the Opera" star Peter Joback.

  在儿童唱诗班咏唱的传统瑞典结婚进行曲的旋律中,瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫(King Carl XVI Gustaf)挽着玛德琳公主步下走廊时,现年38岁的欧尼尔强忍激动的泪水。当婚礼进行到赞美诗部分,罗克赛特女主唱玛丽·弗莱德里克森(Marie Fredriksson)和百老汇《歌剧魅影》男星皮特·乔巴克(Peter Joback)分别用瑞典语和英语演唱,令新郎新娘十分动容。

  With a smile on her face, Madeleine read out the wedding vows in Swedish while O&aposNeill read his in English in the Royal Chapel, decorated with typical Swedish summer flowers. After the wedding, the couple kissed on the steps of the palace in front of a cheering crowd of several thousand who had gathered in the sunshine waving Swedish flags.


  "We hope she will be very happy in the future, the princess Madeleine," Julia Huelsman, who had traveled from Munich, Germany, for the occasion, said.

  专程从德国慕尼黑赶来的茱莉亚·赫尔斯曼(Julia Huelsman)说:“我们衷心祝愿玛德琳公主将来生活幸福。”

  Later, the newlyweds travelled in a procession through the crowded streets of the capital in a special horse and carriage. They then sailed to the royal residence and UNESCO World Heritage site Drottningholm Palace, 10 kilometers (6 miles) west of the city center, where a private wedding reception will be held.



  Madeleine is the youngest of Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia&aposs three children and fourth in line to the throne. She became known as Sweden&aposs party princess in her early 20s, when she was frequently spotted at Stockholm&aposs high-end nightclubs, and has attracted widespreadattention for her stylish clothes.



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