婚前协议 prenuptial agreement.

2017-08-14 作者: 245阅读


  默多克要和第三任妻子邓文迪离婚,大家在猜测他们离婚真正原因的同时,都很关注二人之前签订的婚前和婚后协议能给邓文迪带来多大利益。今天,咱们就来说说婚前协议(prenuptial agreement)。

  Rupert Murdoch, chairman and CEO of News Corporation, arrives with his wife Wendi Deng at the 85th Academy Awards in Hollywood, California in this February 24, 2013 file photo.[Photo/Agencies]

  A prenuptial agreement or premarital agreement, commonly abbreviated to prenup or prenupt, is a contract entered into prior to marriage, civil union or any other agreement prior to the main agreement by the people intending to marry or contract with each other.

  婚前协议(prenuptial agreement),通常缩写为prenup或prenupt,指有意成婚或者达成合作的人在结婚、民事结合(即同性结婚)或者正式注册之前签署的一份协议。

  The content of a prenuptial agreement can vary widely, but commonly includes provisions for division of property and spousal support in the event of divorce or breakup of marriage. They may also include terms for the forfeiture of assets as a result of divorce on the grounds of adultery, further conditions of guardianship may be included as well.


  There are two types of prenuptial agreements: marriage contract for people who are married or about to be married, and cohabitation agreement for unmarried couples. A variation for people who are already married is a postnuptial agreement, also called a postmarital agreement.

  婚前协议分为两种:已婚夫妇或将婚夫妇签署的婚姻协议,以及未结婚伴侣签署的同居协议。已婚夫妇签署的协议也叫做postnuptial agreement或者postmarital agreement。


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