
2017-08-14 作者: 331阅读





  This is a reality fantasy fairy tale place in modern in New York, will revolve around a wizard and he not obedient apprentice. The wizard is ready to train his apprentice, in order to help him fight against evil powers.


  Dave Stutler: [from trailer] I&aposm afraid of flying on planes!

  Balthazar Blake: Well, today&aposs your lucky day &aposcause I brought an eagle.

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  Balthazar Blake: [from trailer] Dave! You should run.

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  Dave Stutler: [from trailer] This is crazy!

  Balthazar Blake: [grins] But it *is* fun.

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  Balthazar Blake: [from trailer]

  [creature smashes his car. Balthazar stares at it in disbeli]

  Balthazar Blake: That&aposs my car.

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  Dave Stutler: [from trailer]

  [holding pointy shoes Balthazar just gave him]

  Dave Stutler: These are old man shoes.

  Balthazar Blake: [shows Balthazar wearing the same shoes] Excuse me?

  Dave Stutler: I love them... A lot.

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  Balthazar Blake: You&aposre a bad liar, Dave. That&aposs good.

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  Balthazar Blake: What happened to &aposdon&apost touch anything&apos?

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  Dave Stutler: I have been searching all over the world for you. You&aposre going to be a force for good and a very important sorcerer. But for now, you&aposre my apprentice

  Dave Stutler: [stunned] I&aposm a what?

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  Balthazar Blake: Keep it subtle. Civilians must not know that magic still exists. That could make things complicated.

  Dave Stutler: Alright, Mr. Pointy Hat.

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  Dave Stutler: I don&apost actually know who you are.

  Drake Stone: Really? You don&apost recognize me?

  Dave Stutler: Are you in Depeche Mode?

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  Dave Stutler: [as Dave and Becky are flying on the eagle] I think I should tell you, I&aposm not sure how to land this thing.

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  Balthazar Blake: [as Dave is trying to go out with Becky] It&aposs okay. I have to go into town anyway to get your anti-itch cream.

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