最能打动人的就是一封love letter.

2017-08-14 作者: 197阅读


  Writing a love letter might be a very brave step for some people. But it also helps them to express their thoughts and feelings in a deeper way. Some people are just not that talkative and have a hard time speaking it out. It is much easier for them to write it. Besides, when you write a love letter, you have enough time to prepare and get the best out of it. Discover our 5 ways to learn writing a love letter.

  1. Create a mood for writing

  Do not just sit down and write. Get prepared. Purchase a nice paper; it can be scented or colored. Turn on some sweet music to create a mood for writing a romantic and sincere letter. Light an aromatic candle with your or his favorite scent.

  2. Get a quote

  Go online and find several inspiring love quotes. This would make your love letter more poetical and deep. If you are not a master of words, use someone else’s gift to express your feelings. If your beloved likes poetry, find a good piece and use it in your letter. But do not overdo it.

  3. Write a beginning

  Start by explaining what inspired you to write it. You may tell about your many, dear thoughts of that person or about the sleepless nights you’ve spent dreaming of him. Right in the beginning, you can show how dear this person is to you.

  4. Compose a letter

  In the body of your letter you should not just write: I love you. You can share your feelings and thoughts on the moments you shared. Such as your first meeting or your first impressions of him. You can also tell how your life changed due to the happiness of meeting your beloved person. You can also admire his positive sides and talents in your love letter and tell how you feel about him. Do not get too outspoken on erotic matters, though.

  5. End well

  Finish up in some nice way, letting him know that you are thrilled and waiting for his response. Show how special this person is to you and how you wait for his response to your letter.


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