丽的开场白 面试中的自我介绍.

2017-08-14 作者: 227阅读


  "Tell Me About Yourself" is the most popular way for hiring managers to start most one-on-one job interviews; get this part right and the rest of the interview will just naturally fall into place.


  This is a job interview! They do NOT want to hear irrelevant stuff about where you go to watch football or your pets&apos names or how your child just lost her first tooth. You must get this job interview answer right!


  What they DO want to hear is a bri introduction to show how your career brought you to THIS point of being here in THIS room with them. This means you need to show where and how you got started, the decisions and changes you made along the way and that the role you are about to be interviewed for is the right progression for your career. And do all this in about 3 minutes!


  You have three minutes to hold their attention and tell them how you took up your first job after college or university and gained specific skills as your career progressed. Add to this your promotions or appointments to new job roles and how you sought out opportunities to develop in your chosen career. Spend most of your three minutes on your most recent job and how the expertise you have matches the underlying needs of the new job.


  One of the best interview techniques is to then state most carully that when you saw this new job being advertised, you became very excited as to the closeness of the match and the career development opportunity you envisioned. And that is why you are so pleased to be at this interview.


  And that is how you construct your answer to the "tell me about yourself" command at job interviews.



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