
2017-08-14 作者: 1169阅读


  IMAX, Partner To Add Screens In China And South Korea

  IMAX Corp. and its South Korean partner plan to add 30 IMAX movie screens in China and five in South Korea.

  The expansion, to be announced in coming days, is aimed at capitalizing on rising entertainment spending by the Chinese middle class and demand for the immersive high-resolution technology in Korea, IMAX Chi Executive Richard Gelfond said.

  The project is a joint venture with the overseas business arm of South Korea&aposs largest theater chain, CJ CGV Co.

  The deal will bring the number of IMAX screens scheduled for construction in China to 140 and in South Korea to 10. There were 118 IMAX screens in operation in China and 12 in South Korea at the end of March.

  &aposWhat IMAX is doing is following the audience around the world,&apos Mr. Gelfond said.

  China is the world&aposs second-largest movie market by box-office revenue and number of screens, behind the U.S. China is expected to eclipse North America by both measures by 2020, according to Ernst & Young.

  In a boost to IMAX, the Chinese government last year eased restrictions on foreign movies to allow the release of 14 additional enhanced-format foreign films, such as 3-D and IMAX, beyond the previous limit of 20 a year.

  Since 2010, 10 Chinese features have been released on IMAX. Three have opened in theaters this year, including the fantasy-epic &aposJourney to the West: Conquering the Demons,&apos which became one of the highest-grossing domestic releases in Chinese history. Four more IMAX releases are planned, the Canada-based company said.

  Unlike in more mature Western markets, where some moviegoers resist the higher price for IMAX films, the Chinese audience is used to choosing between different cinema experiences, Mr. Gelfond said. A movie ticket in China can range from $3 to $16, with IMAX screens at the top of the scale.

  &aposWe are building on our success with IMAX, which continues to generate incremental attendance and revenue to our complexes,&apos said CJ CGV Chi Executive Seo Jung.

  IMAX screens are in 53 countries and the company reported $700 million in box-office sales last year. Its profit rose to $41.3 million last year from $15.3 million a year earlier.

  An abbreviation for Image Maximum, IMAX was developed in the 1960s to display a larger, higher-resolution motion picture than standard movies by using larger film. Bulky and expensive, IMAX remained a niche market, mostly for documentaries in a few special theaters, making Hollywood studios unwilling to release commercial features with the format.

  After the company unveiled a digital remastering process to rit conventional films into IMAX about a decade ago, the technology became a darling for blockbusters. Multiplexes began showing IMAX films, promising a premium experience at a higher price.

  Jeyup S. Kwaak

  Associated Press

  巨幕电影公司IMAX Corp.与其韩国合作伙伴打算在中国增设30块IMAX电影银幕,在韩国增设五块。

  这个扩张计划将在几天后宣布。IMAX公司首席执行长盖尔方德(Richard Gelfond)说,中国中产阶级不断增加娱乐开支,而韩国对于影像效果逼真的高清技术也有着越来越大的需求,该计划就是看中了以上这两点。

  这个项目将由IMAX公司与韩国最大的影院连锁企业CJ CGV Co.的海外业务公司共同完成。



  中国是按票房收入和银幕数量衡量全球第二大电影市场,仅次于美国。安永(Ernst & Young)预计,到2020年,中国将在票房收入和银幕数量方面双双超过北美市场。


  2010年以来,中国已推出10部IMAX影片。今年中国已有三部本土IMAX影片上映,其中包括票房收入最高的国产电影之一、魔幻大片《西游•降魔篇》(Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons)。总部位于加拿大的IMAX公司说,中国计划再拍四部IMAX电影。


  CJ CGV首席执行长Seo Jung说:来我们影院观看IMAX大片的人不断增多,使我们的收入不断增加,我们正打算借助IMAX的成功更上一层楼。


  IMAX是Image Maximum(图像最大化)的缩写。该技术出现于上世纪60年代,通过使用规格较大的胶片,投放出比一般电影更大也更清晰的影像。IMAX银幕体积庞大,造价昂贵,原本一直是个小众市场,只有几个特殊影院才有,而且多为放映纪录片。因此,好莱坞(Hollywood)电影公司曾一直不愿发行IMAX商业影片。


  Jeyup S. Kwaak



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