古老的爱情魔戒 克拉达戒指.

2017-08-14 作者: 203阅读



  Meaning of the Claddagh ring. What do the Cladagh rings mean?


  The meaning of the claddagh ring is what gives the ring it&aposs significance. Over the years the cladagh ring has brought up designs with minor variations, the basic meaning and significance of the Irish claddagh ring has however been retained. The hands of the ring are shown holding the heart and the hands denote friendship and togetherness, the heart itself signifies love and the crown in the claddagh ring stands for loyalty. It is this meaning of the claddagh rings that make them an ideal choice for all occassions, wedding rings, birth stone rings, engagementrings, mothers day rings and rings for just about any other occassion. The deep and true meaning of the Irish claddagh rings has also put them into a group of rings rerred to as thaith rings. In today&aposs materialistic world where love, friendship and loyalty are becoming increasingly rarer by the day, the claddagh ring with it&aposs realistic and worthy meaning makes an ideal gift to give and to receive.


  History of the Claddagh ring. The Claddagh Irish tradition .


  The history of the Claddagh ring dates back to over 300 years. A small fishing village in Ireland called the Claddagh was where the tradition of the Claddagh rings first started. The word Claddagh itself comes from the Irish term &aposAn Cladach&apos that means a &aposflat stony shore&apos. This was a pretty and ancient village with winding streets and small thatched roofed mud houses. Modernisation has changed all that now but the tradition of the Claddagh ring lives on and has infact grown much stronger in many parts of the world.


  Wearing the Claddagh ring. Which hand to wear Cladag Rings.


  The meaning and significance of the Claddagh ring is not just in the crown, heart and clasping hands, it also extends to the hand on which the ring is worn and the direction in which the crown on the ring points. In case of a married or engaged person Claddagh rings are worn on the lt hand with the crown pointing away from the (the person wearing the ring) heart. For a person willing to consider love the ring is traditionally worn on the right hand with the crown pointing away from the heart. For a person not interested in starting a relationship the Cladagh ring is worn on the right hand with the crown pointing towards the heart.



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