
2017-08-14 作者: 194阅读



  An iPhone 5 allegedly electrocuted a Chinese flight attendant to death when she picked up the smartphone while charging.中国一名空姐用正在充电的苹果手机接电话时被电击致死。

  Ma Ailun, a 23-year-old woman from Xinjiang in northwestern China, was awaiting her wedding on August 18 after quitting her job as a flight attendant, according to her sister who took her claim to China&aposs social network Sina Weibo。根据死者姐姐的新浪微博(中国的社交网络),空姐马爱伦23岁,来自中国西北的新疆自治区。她本计划辞去工作,为8月18日自己的新婚之日做准备。

  Ma collapsed to the floor and died from electrocution while answering a call while charging her iPhone 5 Thursday, according to local police。当地警方称,周四马爱伦在苹果手机充电时接电话,不幸遭到电击,倒地身亡。

  The victim&aposs sister demanded a response from Apple, while warning iPhone users of the danger of using phones while charging them. 死者的姐姐要求苹果公司对此作出回应,同时告诫所有苹果手机用户不要在手机充电时通话。

  "We are deeply saddened to learn of this tragic incident and offer our condolences to the Ma family," Apple&aposs Beijing-based spokeswoman, said Monday. "We wiill fully investigate and cooperate with authorities in this matter."苹果北京分公司发言人周一表示:“我们对这一悲剧事件深感痛心,对死者家属致以深切慰问,我们将就此事进行彻底调查,并向有关机构提供全力配合。”

  The cause of Ma&aposs death has been confirmed by police as electrocution, according to the state news agency Xinhua, but it is unclear as to whether the iPhone was involved or not。据新华社消息,警方已证实马爱伦确实是全身过电而死,但仍在调查是否是由于苹果手机造成。

  The likelihood of someone being electrocuted by a smartphone, according to experts, is very low, CNN reports. Even while charging, phones charged from a USB cord have a supply voltage of just 5 volts, which would be harmless to a person. 美国有线电视新闻网报道,专家认为受充电手机电击致死的可能性非常小。即使在充电过程中,使用数据线充电的手机只有5伏电压,几乎不会造成伤害。只有当电压达到36伏左右时才可被人体感知。

  "We have seen very few incidents related to shock or electrocution (involving cell phones)," Scott Wolfson, communications director for the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, said, according to CNN. "Most of our attention has been on overheating, smoke or fire."美国消费产品委员会通讯主管斯考特-沃夫森告诉CNN记者:“出现电击甚至电击致死(包括手机致死)的情况十分罕见,我们大多数的注意力都放在过热、冒烟和着火的物体上了。”

  When the phone is charged through a substandard or incompatible charger, the risks become greater, because of the possible lack of proper insulation in the charger. Ma&aposs sister, however, insisted that the victim was using the original charger that accompanied the iPhone bought at an official Apple store。但若手机通过劣质、不兼容的充电器充电,则很可能加大危险程度,因为充电器里缺少合适的绝缘材料。然而马爱伦的姐姐则坚持说死者用的充电器是从官方苹果专卖店里买手机时附带的标准配件。

  The iPhone 5 involved in Ma&aposs death is under investigation, and we cannot verify her claim until the results are out. As counterfeit Apple products are widespread in China, "it’s entirely possible to buy a counterfeit charger believing it to be genuine, perhaps even from a counterfeit Apple store," 9to5mac alleges。马爱伦使用的手机是iPhone 5,目前案件还在调查中,在结果出来之前无法验证死者姐姐的话。但假冒伪劣的苹果产品在中国随处可见,网友“9to5mac”说:“顾客在假冒苹果专卖店里买到假冒的充电器,还以为买的都是正品,这种事也完全有可能。”

  Back in May, the China Consumers’ Association had warned about the risks of a “flood” of uncertified power chargers in the Chinese market, The Wall Street Journal points out. The association warned that the chargers could turn a smartphone into a “pocket grenade” and cause explosions, electric shock, or fires in a variety of electronic devices。《华尔街日报》指出,早在今年五月,中国消费者协会就对假冒伪劣充电器猖獗的市场现象作出警告,称这些充电器有可能把智能手机变成“装在衣袋里的手榴弹”,造成多类电子产品爆炸、漏电或起火。

  The bride-to-be was also fresh off from the bath when she took the phone call. Moisture on the skin can diminish humans&apos natural resistance to electric shock。据悉,这位准新娘接电话前刚刚洗过澡。潮湿皮肤也会减弱人体的电击阻抗力。


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